
Friday, May 30, 2008

Scale Layered Cake ( Kek Lapis Sisik Ikan )

Yes, it is time of the year to "Balik Kampung" when school is having a term break and my company is declaring close of business for whole next week in conjuction of Gawai Festival and Great King's Birthday. I took half day leave today to bake layered cake which is always a popular "Buah Tangan" from Sarawak. I choose the above cake because my Emak does not like colorful cake and I love the moist texture and the sweet & sour taste.

This recipe is originated by Rabiah Amit, the popular layered cake book writer from Sarawak. Her book is a must have if you interested in layered cake making.

Herewith the recipe which I have modified for more accurate measurements. I have also tried to explain the method a bit more for greater clarity. The original recipe is in Malay language and translated into English:

10 Egg yolk*
2 Egg white*
250g Castor Sugar*
1 tbsp Ovalette*
75ml chilled Water*
3/4 can Serikaya* (1 can is 300g)
160g Horlicks*
250g Hong Kong flour
300g Butter
4 tbs Condensed Milk
4 packet of Haw Flakes

1. Place all ingredients marked* in a mixer bowl & beat with high speed until fluffy & thick. (Tips: The bowl need to be big enough to handle the volume which get doubled up)
Fold in flour gradually until well mixed.

2. In a separate bowl, beat butter & condensed milk until white & fluffy.
Combine into the earlier mixture.

3. Grease & line 8 inch square tin.
Spread about 2 big scoop into the tin & grill until the top is evenly brown.
Take the tin out from oven and press surface with cake presser to ensure even layer.
Repeat for second layer.
Arrange haw flake by inserting through the two layers at 45 degrees angle.
Repeat the above process until all batter is used up.

4. For all layered cakes, I always bake the cake at 180C for 30 minutes as the last step to ensure that the cake is properly cooked through.

For those interested in making layered cake are welcome to ask questions. Just post your questions in the "comments" tab at the bottom of this recipe.


  1. long,lawanya kek sisik ikan ni,ct try nk buat tp tak de kaya la pulak...tgu ada kaya bru nk buat.

  2. ct, klu buat kasitau ok. Kaya tu yg buat kek tu lembab2 gitu.... along suka texture kek ni...

  3. yeke...ct nk tau long,berapa gm utk 1 tin kecik kaya kt msia?

  4. soli long,bru perasan 1 tin = 300gm..kalau gini leh ct buat homemade kaya jerk.

  5. ct, cuma guna 3/4 tin, makna nya lebih kurang 200g je. Tin 300g tu pun kecik je.

  6. Sorry saya tak pernah buat layer cake. Jadi nak tanya setiap layer masak berapa lama? dan guna api atas saja sampai selesai sebiji kek atau last sekali perlu guna api bawah juga. Macam mana kalau nak buat kek kurang manis, menjadi ke tak?

  7. mayysa, nak buat kek lapis, tak perlu timing, cuma bakar dgn api grill/atas sehingga brown supaya, layer dia akan nampak lapisan nya. Sbb tu dlm resipi saya cadangkan masak 180C (atas/bwh) step terakhir utk pastikan kek akan masak keseluruhan nya. Gula boleh di kurangkan, takde masalah. Harap jwpn ni dpt membantu.

  8. Thank you for sharing this recipe in English. Really appreciate it.


  9. saya mmg suka sgt ngan kek sisik ikan ni..rasa dia sedap..nak try buat, cuma nak tanya, brapa lama nak bakar dlm oven tiap2 kali kite nak kuar dan buat layer2 seterusnya tu ye?thanks!

  10. Always be my hero,
    Soalan yg sama di atas tu Along dah jawab. Sila rujuk ya.

  11. Along...masa kita letak haw flakes tu...nak kena cucuk sampai masuk habis atau nk kena cucuk sket aje...??? Kalau cucuk sket..masa kta tekan dengan penekan kek tu tak patah ke haw flakes ni...?

  12. Linda Hamka,
    Cucuk 3/4 je, yg lebih tu cover dgn batter akan jadi lembut. Bila dah masak baru tekan & lepas beberapa lapis baru cucuk lagi hawflakes. Harap jelas.


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