
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chocolate Cream Puffs

 This delicious Chocolate Cream Puff will surely allure you for more & more....! Easy and quick to make will be a good idea for last minute unplanned entertaining.

By: Roz@HomeKreation 
Makes 3 dozens
1 cup Flour
2 tbsp Cocoa powder
1 cup Water
½ tsp Salt
1 tbsp Sugar
½ cup Unsalted Butter
4 Eggs

1. Sift flour & cocoa together & put aside.
{Ayak tepung & serbuk koko}

2. Boil the rest of ingredients, except eggs, until the butter is melted and remove from heat. Pour in flour mixture, all at once. Mix well.
Beat in egg one at a time untill well blended.
{Panaskan bhn2 yg lain kecuali telur sehingga butter cair. Tutup api. Masukkan campuran tepung sekali gus & kacau sehingga sebati. Masukkan telur satu-persatu sambil di pukul}

3. Pipe or spoon onto greased baking tray.
Bake for 25 minutes at 210C. Cool.
{Paipkan atau sudukan ke atas dulang pembakar yg di minyakkan. Bakar 25 minit suhu 210C. Sejukkan}

4. To make the chocolate custard, place 4 egg yolks, 100g sugar, 60 g flour, 600ml milk & 80-100g chocolate in a saucepan. Stir until thicken & boiled.
{Untuk membuat kastad coklat, letakkan kesemua bhn ke dlm periuk & kacau sehingga pekat & menggelegak}

5. Cut a slit & spoon chocolate custard into the puffs or inject the custard using injection nozzle.
{Isikan kastad coklat kedlm puff dgn cara memotong sedikit ataupun inject}

6. Drizzle melted chocolate on top. I used Swiss chocolate fondue bought at KLIA.
{Kalau rajin, boleh buat topping coklat cair atau pun guna coklat fondue}


Triple chocolate puffs :Undecorated cream puff:

Showing off the chocolate filling:


  1. waaaaa ngelat erk...kita ni nmpk coklat mmg berantu heheheh...yg tart hari tu pon tak tbuat lg..emmm kita mmg tak jump ler krm tu heavy krim kan..tnya promoter pon depa tak tau huhuhuh...pas le Along resepi cream puff ni hheheheh

  2. ala along..
    bg je la resipinya. mmg nampak tempting sangat. sesenang, boleh la fida cuba..

  3. Along, alaaa..letak le resepi..mana tau kot time akak rajin nk je buat, sebab apa2 yg drp coklat ni, anak2 mmg suka..taruk resepi eh!! :D

  4. Kekawan, dah pos dah resipi nya. Tak best le main game ni. Ramai yg menyepai diam2 tu masih tak terpanggil utk mara ke hadapan.... Tak pe lah, kita mmg nak sedekah resipi pun... tapi bila dapat feedback lebih seronok...

  5. I remember the plain cream puffs you made me before....yummy, that a similar recipe as the chocolate cream puffs? Jaja

  6. Ja, I used different recipe for the plain puffs but the custard recipe was the same. Remember how petits they were...hahaha. I did not have a bigger nozzle at that time.

  7. Hi, testing

    Nur Eliza


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