
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tapioca Fritters

This is a typical Malay Kampung kueh served at tea time. Very simple ingredients and method that anyone can make this with success. No accurate measurement is necessary. I have indicated rough measurements below only as a guide.

I have plenty of tapioca that my mother-in-law brought from kampung so made this today in the evening for tea time.

½ big mixing bowl mashed boiled Tapioca
1-2 handful grated fresh Coconut
½ cup Sugar or to taste

3 spoon Flour + 2 spoon Rice Flour + a pinch of Salt + a pich Turmeric powder + water
- The consistency is runny like those used for banana fritters.

Mix all the ingredients until well blended.
Shape into small balls.
Dip in batter and deep fry until golden.

Kueh kampung yang tetap popular....Bahan2 nya tak perlu sukatan tertentu, agak2 je...

½ mangkuk adunan Ubi kayu - di rebus
1-2 genggam Kelapa parut
½ cwn gula atau sesedap rasa

TEPUNG CELUP: 3 sudu Tpg Gandum + 2 sudu Tpg Beras + secubit Garam + sedikit serbuk Kunyit + Air secukupnya. Kecairan macam tepung goreng pisang.

Gaul kesemua bhn2 sehingga sebati. Bulat2 kan. Celup ke dlm bancuhan tepung. Goreng sehingga keperangan.

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