
Friday, August 15, 2008

Women Gathering and Fun

We had women gathering today at my house just to have fun since the company allow us half day off today. The main agenda is of course makan-makan (eating fun) and unexpectedly many came with pot lucks. See below all the delicious food : Here are some of the ladies (sorry cannot publish the one with me coz' not dressed for publication...hehe..... at home I'm just in my short & simple shirt....) :
Cik Mala was demonstrating the making of Mexican Hats....
Apart from makan-makan, we also had Poco-Poco led by Cik Hasnah & Cik Mariam from Poco2 club of Kpg Pujut Tanjung Batu who won 2008 best Poco2 in Miri ( or is it Sarawak...):
Cik Hasnah said it was difficult for her to decide on the best Poco-Poco performers but at the end decided on these three below. The winners received small tokens of my homemade embroidery towels - untuk lap peluh.... Not forgetting, tokens for Cikgu Poco-Poco (Cik Yam on the left and Cik Has on the right):
As conclusion, we all had lots of makan-makan, fun and laugh.... It is good to have this kind of gathering because at office everyones are working too hard.... Thank-you to all who came, the food contribution and those who provided ideas and helped to organise the event.

Those who asked for the recipes, watch out for the coming postings!


  1. Thanks for opening up your home to us all......and thanks for preparing all the lovely food! It was a great afternoon off and on behalf of all the ladies, thanks once again!!!! Cik Ja.

  2. Cik Ja, my pleasures. We all had great time together and it was really fun haa....! Your carrot cake was a hit yesterday, luckily I saved a little for Lai (I know he's going to ask what you brought)...

  3. Yaa..Roz,I had a great fun yesterday and enjoyed all the deli foods as well. Luckily,the poco2 burnt the calories! Forget me not if there gonna be any other wmen nerworking session ya...
    Thank you to everyone!!
    Cik Wani

  4. Wani, I'm glad you enjoyed it. TQ for the beautiful cake. Sure will remember you next time but don't know maid is leaving next month.

  5. Thx 4 hosting such a bon appetite gathering .... lots of fun wif poco-poco! Guess it'll be a long break wif d upcoming Ramadhan. However I expect u continue sharing ur Ramadhan delicacies. Thx once again!
    Cik Mala.

  6. Cik Mala, thanks so much for helping out and your energetic participation (as always). Hope you will share your recipes of those served on Friday to be posted here.

  7. hai kak roz
    wah ..bestnye ..meriah sekali...bestkan bila ada masa boleh jumpa kawan...have fun together.....

    yatie,Ampang Selangor

  8. Hi Roz, Thanks for hosting the WHPH and inviting us all. I haven't been to this type of event for a really long time. Good thing you timed it before the month end closing. Reminds me of the WHPH we had during the FCO days where we had cooking demo and makan2 at your home. It was great! Thanks again.

  9. Roz, Btw, am still awaiting your recipe for the custard apple pie. It's really yummy!!!

  10. yatie, memang seronok bila dapat berkumpul kat rumah macam tu...

  11. Aline, glad that you made it this time and had fun. Unfortunately not many from FCO came. Will surely post the apple pie recipe.

  12. Wow, thanks Roz for sharing the link. The food pics are proffesional!... the food really come out alive! It looks really yummy.....!!! (* not to mention how many set of Badminton games I need to play after eating them* *wink* wink*) And i can imagine the good fun in preparing them!

    Will surely attend another gathering before hosting one myself...

    Cheers Tracy

  13. Hi Tracy. Not sure when I can host again but surely welcome your invitation - just let me know if you need help.

  14. My comment may come a bit late but better than never, right? I never had a chance to learn poco2 until I met the two friendly poco2 teachers at this WHPH gathering in your house. I really enjoyed it! Of course I want to thank you for the nice food and the towel which is perfectly useful for my badminton games. Next, I am going to blowse for all the yummy recipes posted here...

  15. I guess this is Angela. Glad that you had good time. Hope the towel will motivate us to play more badmnton...of course I am left out this fasting month, but will ctach up with you all again.


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