
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Homework from Amy & Hana

Harap2 bulan pose ni ada le org nak bagi kuih ke, baju raya ke, hehehe tut2 dapat homework lah pulak.... huaaaa.... terbongkar le rahsia....

The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answer the question about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names. Then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment. Letting them to know that they have been tagged. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answer.So now, on to the questions...

1) What were you doing 5 years ago?
Life mcm sekarang jugak lah takde perubahan pun, anak masih 3 org & dok kat Miri je. Tang keje tu ada lah tukar department 3x termasuk promotion, alhamdulillah...hehe

2) What are 5 things on your to-do list for today?
Ni baru lepas sahur, buat hw ni jap, pas tu mandi, sembahyang subuh, pas tu gi keje pas tu balik keje masak buka pose, pas tu tidoq awal sbb nanti nk bangun sahur & repeat cam tu le everyday....boring kan....

3) What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
Along tak berape suka mkn snack...sbb tu tak gemuk kot....hehe. Kalau suruh list 5 tu susah betoi... tapi ni yg boleh masuk tekak along walaupun tak suka sgt nak makan snack:
a. Kacang Goreng Cap Tangan (sbb hb sll mkn, kita tumpang 2-3 biji je)
b. Roti crackers goreng ngan telur (ni klu lapar petang2, sll buat)
c. Macadamia nuts (yg ni mmg feveret, sll beli kat airport bila travel)
d. Nougat (yg ni pun feveret gak, beli kat airport bila travel)
e. Coklat Tiramisu

4) What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire?
1 billion tu manyak ooh... Of course le kita beli apa saje yg teringin:
a. A house with at least 8-10 rooms, equipped with tukang kebun, buttler, chef (kita xyah masak dah....heeeee)
b. Of course tak payah lah susah2 nak keje lagi dah....hehe tapi yg ni cakap je....sayang gak my job becoz I enjoy it & that's how I get friends.... tapi along leh wat activiti lain....emmm nanti pikir kendian klu dh betul2 jd billionaire...hehe
c. Tolong mak & adik-beradik termasuk le ipar-duai yg memerlukan
d. Bina & wakaf sebiji masjid & namakan nya atas nama arwah abah
e. Pas tu kita belanja joli katak dgn kawan2...hehehe best ni.....Lebih tu simpan untuk masa depan anak-anak & hari tua....

5) What are five jobs you've had?
a. My first job was a salesgirl kat boutique sebelah Harrods in Knightsbridge, London (part-time job, nak cari duit lebih waktu student dulu)
b. Second job kat Miss Selfridge (shoes department) in Oxford Street, London. Yang bangga nya, Along was number one sales girl in term of scorecard (best performer)... hehe
c. Keje kat Maybank (4 bulan training + 8 bulan keje, pas tu chow sbb keje boring.....)
d. Pas tu keje yg sekarang ni lah.... tu je, tak sampai 5 pun.....


  1. along..ayat last tuh... skrg keje apa? hehehehe...sory busy body skit! kihkihkih....

  2. hana, nak korek rahsia ahhh...hehe along mmg tak pnh sebut dgn org along keje apa... Mak along pun sama peel, bila org kpg tanya dia kata tatau...sebeno nya keje mkn gaji je dgn kompeni org putih ni...hehe. Amacam cukup ke jwpn nya? hehe

  3. adoiii...susah btol la nk main teka teki ngan along nih! xpe la... dh tau dh jwpan... agak2 jek...hihihi


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