
Monday, December 8, 2008

Menu on Hari Raya Aidiladha 2008

Hari Raya Aidiladha is a quiet occassion in Miri unlike in Peninsular Malaysia, which is celebrated with open houses and lots of special delicacies on the day. For our family, the routine is to visit mosque first thing in the morning for Hari Raya prayer. After prayer my husband instructed us to gather in the lounge for Raya hugs, followed by photo session and finally Raya breakfast.

I did not cook a lot as we do not expect any guest this year. Our relatives have all returned to kampung to celebrate Hari Raya in conjuction with school holiday. This year my hubby & children helped a lot in the preparation as Lela is no longer with us and that put the family closer together. My youngest son proudly told his grandma on the phone that he helped me to fill up the ketupat case and other things he did.

Here are some photos:

Sayur Lodeh is actually greeny in color but my camera has always not successful in producing the real color for green curry (it looks pale compared to the real color).


  1. hi,
    i wish so much to learn how to make ketupat. is thr any way for me to learn tht? thanks.

  2. hi Dac,
    It is not difficult to make. I'll post the recipe later. You can buy the ready made ketupat cases from the local market.

  3. Roz, Selamat Hari Raya to you and family!

    Are you gonna post the recipe for fried pandan chicken as well?

  4. Sedapnya lauk pauk yang di masak. Anyway pasal kamera tu pernah jugak terjadi pada noor warna tak seperti asal...cuba check flash card yang mungkin sebab gambar yang kita ambil terlalu banyak memungkinkan masaalah ini. Cuba gantikan dgn card digital baru.

  5. Farina,
    Selamat Hari Raya to you too. Yes, I sure will.

    TQ for the tips tp tatau lak ada flash card. Bab technical ni le yg give up sikit...

  6. hi,
    thanks for posting the recipe.
    i wish to learn making the ketupat cases too.. unfortunately,i don hav any friend knw making this. ^_^

  7. Dac,
    Who knows one day I can show you how. I learned it when I was 10, so it must not be difficult.

  8. hi,
    thanks. hopefully i can learn this frm u one day...hehe^_^


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