
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Serikaya Cups

This kuih is very popular in Miri but no one is willing to share the recipe. The cups are made from glutinous flour and it has sweet kaya filling. I'll be very grateful if anyone generous enough to share the recipe with me. If not, one day I will try to make this by trial & error.

The above kuih were brought by my good friend Maria N when she visited my baby. The kuih is sold in many places in Miri or you can order from home-maker.


  1. Interesting nih. Actually, I thought the darker green layer is the plastic mould, rupanya edible. Don't forget to post the recipe if you finally managed to find the best recipe ya. Kami nak try, tak tahu original rasanya macam mana pulak...

  2. Mamafami,

    I like the taste as the sweet filling is offset nicely with the unsweetened pulut case. Will post it if I manage to get the right recipe.

  3. Rozz, you pun suah cari recipe? I just realised how difficult it is to get traditional malay kuih recipes. Even masa i nak buat tepung pelita last yr, jenuh cari recipe online but cuma ada 1 aje. the rest tu basically guna her recipe. adui. susah orang kedekut ilmu nih.

  4. hi,
    may i knw whr can we buy this kuih frm?

  5. Farina,
    I rasa kalau share respi pun takkan kurang rezki org yg menjual tu kan, bahkan tambah berkat insyaallah. Tapi takpa lah, nanti I usahakan one day.

    Are you from Miri? If not, don't think I know where. If yes, surely you will find it in many places in kuih stalls.

  6. hi, i'm frm miri. but i really donno whr can i find this kind of kuih. i only saw it once at Hot Cross Bun. but just once, after tht nvr saw it selling. can u tel me whr can i find it?

  7. Dear Anonymous,
    We usually ordered from homemakers. I think some kuih stalls are also selling. Have u tried pasar malam?

  8. yes,but not seen any stall selling it.

  9. salam...makcik sebelah umah selalu buat kueh ni...yang tuk filling tu dia guna santan+ gula+pewarna kuning+ telor je....sedap mkn if kulit yg hijau tu ade rasa masin2 sikit....

  10. saya ada resepinya...pernah beberapa kali cuba n memang sedap.Kulit: 2 gelas tepung pulut,1 gelas tepung gandum sedikit garam dan air juga pewarna kegemaran..satukan semua bhn kemudian masukkan sedikit doh dlm mould yg telah disapu minyak.kukus 5 minit. Inti sekaya:4 gelas santan,1 1/2 gelas gula,2 biji telur,2 gelas tepung gandum,2 sudu tepung jagung,1 tin jagung krim dalam tin...kisar semua bahan bersama 1/2 tin jagung...1/2 tin lagi x perlu kisar.masukkan adunan dlm kulit tadi.kukus 15 minit..Cubalah manalah tahu memenuhi selera -ANA-

  11. ANA,
    Tkasih berkongsi resepi. Insyaallah Along akan cuba nanti.


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