
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Apam Tepung Beras

It is apam season... you can find apam in most bloggers' houses so it is my second attempt after motivated by Mamafami to try to get over the "Eno Curse".... BUT..... oh no.... Mamafamiiiiiii help meeeeee! I cannot get over the Eno curse... my apams were still full with frackles! Macam putera kena sumpah jadi sang kodok.... hodoh tul!

First time saw this recipe in HaSue's house (original recipe by Watie), so copied (& simplified) herewith.... maceh Sue & Watie! Good recipe produced soft texture except the frackles which seems to be only me having a problem with it.

(Makes 12 ketul)
1 cwn Nasi
2 cwn Tepung Beras
1 cwn Gula
1 1/4 cwn Air
1 sk Yis
1 peket Eno

1. Blend nasi dengan air hingga halus.
Masukkan gula, tepung & yis. 
Blend lagi hingga sebati.
Masukkan ke dalam bekas dan tutup rapat. 
Perap 3-4 jam.

2. Selepas diperap kacau perlahan dan masukkan eno, kacau sebati perlahan-lahan (warnakan kalau suka) dan biar sebentar.

3. Panaskan kukusan.
Masukan ke dalam acuan-acuan kecil dan kukus selama 15 hingga 20minit dengan api kuat.

4. Boleh di makan dengan kelapa parut yang dikukus sebentar dan digaul dengan sedikit garam jika suka.


  1. Whoaaaaa apam!!! Mintak sikit KakRoz..tak cukup Love makan hari tuh. hehe ;)

    I guess this is the same recipe as KakWatie's. :)

  2. nampak cam bintik2 tu apa along? nor mmg takut nk try la apam yg mekar2 ni.. kompem tak nak mekar punya!!

    Wah, dah rasa macam otromen la pulak! Kah kah kah! Alahai Long, you have my sympathy la. Ha ah, Along lom bebas dari sumpahan Eno. Masih ada frekles lagilah. Aduhai cemana nak tolong ni? Actually kan Long, mama dah buat dah resepi ni. It's Watie's recipe. My entry is here Alhamdulillah bebas jeragat. Along guna Eno perisa ke Eno original? I used the original one. Tak pe Long, jangan mengaku kalah. Cuba lagi okay... ALONG BOLEH!!!! I'll be right behind you giving you moral support! Pergh... semangat habis ni memotivate Along...

  4. Love,
    yes lah, forgot to mention the original's owner - will update, thanks for highlighting.

    Bintik2 tu jerawat sang kodok...huwaaaa.... sedey tul...

    Hurei Otromen dh dtg tapi kan Otromen tak pandai magik2 camna nak tukar kodok tu jd hensem balik? Oh, Mamafami rupanya yg dok atas belakang Otromen...ok2... another inspiration & let's see how my courage do to take up the challenge...jeng2....

  5. This apam eno has been on my to do list for a long time!!!!

    I love this a lot!
    Usually I see recipes proofing the batter for 2 days, but this is only 3-4 hours!! Thanks for sharing

  6. Tried this apam last saturday. Mine came out botak again no matter what recipe i tried. Never smile at me but nevertheless it's very soft and can last for 2 - 3 days. Will be making it again soon. BTW, where did you buy the black glutinous rice flour? I don't think I can get it here in Kuching.


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