
Monday, June 7, 2010

Another Birthday Cake for Liana

We went back to my hometown recently for family gathering in a new house and to celebrate Liana's 1st birthday. It was such a big gathering with my other 9 siblings and families (except my sister who is working in Sabah). There were more than 40 of us on that night. The gathering was on 29th May, the day I arrived. Everything including food, birthday cake, house cleaning, etcs were arranged by my brothers & families. The 3kg cake above was ordered by Pak Ndak from a bakery belonged to my neighbour, with Liana's face painted on the cake.... nice eh...hehe.

The family gathering was fun with loads of foods, jokes and hilarious moments. Then the next day was a more serious event with friends invited for prayer & tahlil for my arwah father.  I was too busy to snap photos but the menus were:

1st day family gathering menu:
- Mak Ndak special kuey teow soup
- Bamboo Lemang by Pak Long with Beef Rendang by Opah
- Bolied Lemang with Mak Ndak Beef Rendang
- Nasi Himpit & Peanut Sauce (prepared by my mum)
- Cup cakes (bought)
- Spiral Curry puffs (Chef Ina - my niece)
- Roti John & burgers (chef Ina)
- Barbeques (chicken, seafood balls, sausages, etcs)
- Roti Canai (bought)
- Coleslaw (by Acik, my sister)
- Boiled Chickpeas (by Makcik)
- Assorted fruits (durian, langsat, mangosteen, laici, rambutans, red & yellow watermelon)
(could be more.... well, no wonder Malaysians are well known for great eating habits...!)

2nd day Tahlil menu:
Beef Rice, Dalca, Chicken Masak Merah, fresh Satay (grilled on the location), salad, poppadom, Bubur Gandum, Agar2 Lumut, Puding Kastad, fruits, etcs. All guests walked away with a bag of door gifts (a pair of glasses & cupcake).

... that were not all, we had third day gathering on Fri 4th Jun when my sister & her family arrived from Sabah. I took turn to prepare for a simple menu: Spaghetti Bolognaise, Mushroom Soup, BBQ (garlic bread, jacket potatoes, chicken wings/drumsticks). Some pot lucks: Laksa Penang (Mak Ndak), Bandung Jelly (Mak Long), Kuih Lepat (Syuk's mum), Durians (Pak Ndak), Nasi Briani (Acik Nor).... walaaaa.... makan-makan....!


  1. Along, makan2 sakan ya.... ada lemang n rendang segala... raya in advance ya....tentu seronok dapat gather2 ngan keluarga yang tentu sekali sangat susah nak kumpulkan semua kan....

  2. bestnya liana dapat cake no 1 tu...kalaulah dekat dah gomol2 liana tau!

  3. Salam sejahtera Along,
    Liana dah 1 tahun ye..
    Semoga sentiasa sihat dan semakin comel

  4. Ini baru first birthday.... kalaulah Liana bertunang agaknya, tak tahu macam mana besarnya la sambutan tu nanti ye... hehe... Kek Liana tu so comel la....


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