
Friday, July 9, 2010

Yam Talam II

Had this for our breakfast which I prepared yesterday night. Quite easy to make but sweet kuih is not popular in my house and ended up only my second son and myself eating few pieces. This recipe is not very sweet and no need to reduce the sugar further for those who do not like overly sweet kuih. The surface of my kuih is a bit wavy instead of smooth despite I've reduced the heat to low setting. Could be due to stainless steel container & may be I should try using aluminium tin next time. Also there are pink speckles of yam paste appear on top although not very obvious and I guess it is due to low quality yam paste. I need to practice more in making talam kuih but with no demand in the house it will be at the bottom of my next to-do list.

Source with compliments: Yatie (translated to English)
Makes 8-9" round
300g Yam - cubed & steam
600ml Thin Coconut Milk (I used packet & dilute with equal amt of water)
150g Rice Flour
20g Tapioca Flour
2 tbsp Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt

1 cup Sugar
1 cup Rice Flour
3 cup Thick Coconut Milk
1/2 tsp Salt
Yam Essence

1. Mix all ingredients of bottom layer, except yam, in a saucepan until smooth.
Stir above low fire just until heated up (tips from Chef Norzailina), do not boil.
Off fire & add in steamed yam.
Pour into oiled tin & stem for 20 minutes.

2. Mix all ingredients of top layer in a pot.
Stir above low fire just until heated up & pour onto the bottom layer.
Scratch the bottom layer a bit before pouring the top layer.
Steam 20 minutes (from my experiment, need at least 30 min).

3. Completely cool the kuih at room temperature before slicing.


  1. OooH, I recognise that S/S container!! ..erm...wat's it called already? I saw it being promoted at Jusco can stack and stack and steam a few dishes all at the same time right? Yooh, was very tempted to buy that set but very expensive in the end I have to tell myself to forget about that beauty.

  2. Mel,
    Mine is called Osino steamer & I bought when it first introduced in Miri & was so much more expensive than now. I saw at Supersave shop (those selling cheap China products) & it is 10x cheaper i.e. <RM100.

  3. I got to get that, pretty soon I hope, it will make steaming easy.

  4. Huh? RM1000!! But I really forgot the brand and it is not Osino.

  5. Mel,
    My recent visit in Taiping in Jun, I found an exhibition selling a better brand and deeper steamer for RM699 - still expensive but a lot cheaper than mine.... I really regret but do not feel so bad coz it has contributed a lot to my steaming works.

    Indeed it is a lot easier than conventional steamer - less messy & there is no need to cover the tin with towel or whatsoever as it guaranteed not dripping on the kuih. I used to be lazy in steaming but now it is my favourite things to do. You do not need another separate tin to be placed in the steamer as the tin itself is a steamer... good eh!


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