
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cheesy Beef Bingka

 I promised my breakfast gang that I will bake them this kuih for our breakfast today. There were 7 of us (Mar, Pat, Sur, Q, Liz, CZ & me) sharing and enjoying the full container of the kuih.
I love the cheesy taste & rich beef topping. Nice served with chili sauce if preferred.

Source: Jennilicious (I can't provide the link which apparently malicious) / Original source from R.Net (Rashidah)
Copy pasted the original recipe - anybody needs translation, just shout & will translate when convenient.
Makes 9" square

Bahan A
250 gm tepung
600 ml santan
100 gm mentega cair
5 biji telor
1 sudu teh garam
Bahan B
200 gm daging cincang
1 sudu teh jintan putih
1 sudu teh lada putih - dua2 ni dikisar halus
secubit garam
Bahan C
100 ml santan
50 gm keju cheddar parut (saya guna cheddar cheese slice sahaja)
1 sudu teh tepong
(kesemua ini dimasak atas api perlahan hingga pekat)
5 batang cili merah dihiris
20 sen daun bawang dan daun sop di hiris|
Bawang goreng

Cara membuat
  1. Bahan B di masak dengan sedikit minyak hingga kering.
  2. Bahan A digaul dan dibancuh rata. Kemudian tapis.
  3. Masak sehingga naik wap. (Lebih kurang bila dah nak mendidih dan nampak wap nya naik). Turunkan.
  4. Masukkan Bahan A ke dalam acuan 9 x 9 yang telah dialas dengan aluminium foil dan sapu sedikit mentega dan taburkan 1/2 Bahagian B di atas Bahan A.
  5. Bakar lebih kurang 30 minit atau hingga masak.
  6. Keluarkan dan ratakan Bahagian C di atasnya.
  7. Masukkan setengah lagi bahagian B tadi dan tabur hiasannya…. Bakar sekejap sahaja. Lebih kurang 5 - 10 minit.
I received a request for the English translation via email from someone in Australia. Here you go....

(Makes 9" square)
250g Plain Flour
600ml Coconut Milk
100ml Melted Butter
5 Eggs
1 tsp Salt
200g Minced Meat
1 tsp Fennel Seed*
1 tsp White Pepper Corns* (*grind)
- Heat up some oil & fry till cooked.
100ml Coconut Milk
50g Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 tsp Flour
- Mix all  cook until cheese is melted & paste is thick
5 Red Chilies (HomeKreation: I only used 2)
Spring Onion Leaves & Chinese Celery - chopped
Fried Onions

1. Mix all ingredeints A & sieve.
Cook above small fire until steamed up but not boiled.

2. Line a tin with aluminium foil & grease.
Pour batter & sprinkle half of the cooked meat topping.
Bake 30min unil cooked.

3. Spread C on top & sprinkle the remaining beef topping.
Sprinkle garnish ingredients & bake another 5-10 minutes.

4. Cook the kuih before slicing.


    1. oooo bingka ni berlayer2 la ya along.. tp tak nampak layer2 pun yg along punya.. sedap ek.. masuk list dulu aci kan :)

    2. Nor,
      Takda lah, memang rupa dia camtu. Cheese paste (bahan C) tu nipis je, so layer daging yg 1st & 2nd tak nampak beza. Tengok jenny buat pun cam along punya gak.

    3. Mcm best jak resepi tok...kmk mok coba this weekend...TQ...


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