
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Laksa Johor II

 It is Mackerel (Kembong) season and hence those sold in the market are all very fresh. I made our family's favourite laksa for breakfast this morning in order to make use of the Mackerels. This time I made little variation from the first recipe i.e. simpler version. See here for the first version.
 Source: Roz@HomeKreation  
1 packet of Spaghetti -
boil until tender & drain
1 kg Fish (Mackerel or others)
4 tbsp Oil
4 tbsp
Curry powder
1 Big Onion*
3 cloves Garlic*

1" Galangal (Lengkuas)*
2 Lemongrass
1cm Belachan*
1 tbsp Dried Shrimps (Udg Kering) (*blended)
1/2 pot Coconut Cream
2 pieces dried Tamarind (Asam Keping)
3 tbsp roasted Coconut paste (Kerisik)
Garnishes: Long beans, bean sprout, Polygonum, Chilies, Lime (Bahan Tabur: kcg pjg, taugeh, dun kesum, cili, limau)

1. Clean fish & grill until dry. Flake off the bones and blend with some water.
Grind the bones with some water & filter the bone stock.
{Panggang ikan kembung & blender isi nya dgn air. Tulang nya di kisar & tapis}

2. Heat oil in a big pot. Fry blended ingredients & curry powder until fragrant.
Add in coconut cream & stir until boiled.
Add Salt, tamarind, pounded fishflakes & roasted coconut paste.
Boil a bit longer until the taste are well blended.
{Panaskan minyak, tumis bhn2 yg di kisar bertanda* & rempah kari sehingga harum. Masukkan santan & kacau sehingga menggelegak. Masukkan kesemua bhn2 lain}

3. Serve spaghetti with gravy & garnishes.
{Hidangkan spageti dgn kuah & bhn tabur}

See the thick delicious gravy: 


  1. MMMmmmm... yummy! my favourite & will put this on my to-do list during the weekend. Tks for sharing :)

  2. Along, sedanya laksa johor, my all time favorite kuah tu macam kak rose sllu buat cuma ikan kak rose rebus jer...

  3. Banyak banyak jenis laksa,laksa johor paling Makcikmanggis suka.:)minta sket hehe

  4. salam along, bestnya nampak laksa along niii...
    kecur dah ni..


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