
Monday, November 1, 2010

Smoked Fish Quiche

 I first made this quiche in year 2000 and ever since it has been my favourite and often very popular during office entertainment. However, it has been a long time since the last time I made this.
Using the same recipe, I sometimes substituted the smoked fish either with canned Tuna/Sardines because smoked fish wasn't always available. This time, I have some smoked fish that I kept in the freezer made by my FIL from kampung quite a while ago.

The recipe is adopted from Amy Beh's Sardine Quiche:

(Makes 10" round)
225g Flour
1/2 tsp Salt
125g Cold Butter
3-4 bsp Ice Water

1. Combine flour & salt.
Rub in butter until resembles coarse breadcrumbs.
Stir water just enough to bind.
Chill 20-30 min (can skip this step).
2. Roll out & line a greased pan.
Prick base with fork & chill 20-30 min (I skipped chilling part).
3. Blind bake at 190C for 15 min.
Remove beans & bake another 10 min.

3 Eggs
1 can Nestle Reduced Cream
250g Tuna/Sardine/Smoked Fish flakes
1 Big Onion, 2 cloves Garlic, Chillies, Mushroom - chopped
1 tsp Curry Powder
Salt & Pepper

1. Heat 2 tbsp oil & saute garlic, onion, chili till soft.
Add in mushroom, curry powder, fish flakes, salt & pepper.
2. Whisk egg & cream.
Add in the cooked fish mixture.
3. Pour into tart case & bake 180C for 30-35 min until filling is golden in colour.
4. Serve warm.


  1. salam along..datang pagi pagi nak sarap quiche.. memang nampak sedap tu.tengok bahan2 pun..segar gitu kan rasanya

  2. quiche ni mesti husband akak suka.. dia kalau western dish yg savoury mmg okay semua.. cuma yg manis2 je kurang sikit.. bestnya nampak.. lama gak tak wt quiche..

  3. Wah, home made smoked fish.
    Do you believe that I've never eaten a quiche?

  4. Izah,
    Wsalam. Memang sedap kalau suka dgn pie pastry yg rangup...hehe

    hehe... kat rumah along ni pun yg manis2 kurang laju tp yg savoury cam ni mmg laris...

    Hard to believe actually as I thought you are a great baker... why not quiche? It is great combination of crusty pastry and savoury filling...!

  5. May I know what type of curry powder to use for this recipe?

    1. Use any type of curry powder of your favourite brand, I usually use Adabi.


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