
Monday, December 27, 2010

Blueberry Cheese Tarts

 I made this for my sister in conjunction with the KK trip. I was too busy packing for the trip that I didn't manage to update it earlier on.
 Very crispy crusts and lovely filling. Actually I made a mistake for the filling recipe. There were two recipes on side by side page & I used the recipe from the cheesecake instead of tarts! Fortunatley it turned out alright and compatible with the pastry.... fiush!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Pastry from Che'Pah Fotopage; Filling from Rachel Ray
Recipe simplified & refined by HomeKreation
Makes about 70 pcs
250g Butter (HomeKreation: I used cold butter) 
80g Icing Sugar
2 Eggs - slightly beaten 
440g Flour
1tsp VE

1. Mix all ingredients, except eggs, with processor until resemble breadcrumbs.
Pour in egg slowly until dough is formed.
Chill for 30 minutes.

2. Pinch small amount & press into tart moulds.
Pricks surface with fork.

3. Bake 175C for 10 min.
Cool and keep in air tight container until required.

250g Cream Cheese
2 tbsp Soft Butter
1/3 cup Sugar
2 Eggs
2 tbsp Milk
1 tbsp Flour
Blueberry Jam

1. Beat cream cheese, sugar & butter until creamy.
Add in egg one by one & mix well.
Add in milk & flour & mix well.

2. Spoon blueberry jam into tart shell.
Cover with cream cheese filling.
Make marble pattern on surface with blueberry mixture.

3. Bake at 180C for 7-10 min.
Cool & serve warm/chilled.

Source: Pastry from Che'Pah Fotopage; Filling from Rachel Ray
Recipe di permudahkan oleh HomeKreation
Bilangan: lebih kurang 70 biji
250g Mentega Sejuk
80g Gula Aising
2 biji Telur - pukul sedikit
440g Tepung
1tsp Esen Vanilla

1. Campurkan kesemua bahan, kecuali telur, sehingga seperti serbuk roti. 
(Along guna food processor)
asukkan telur sedikit2 sehingga membentuk ketulan doh.
Seukkan 30 minit.

2. Cubit doh & teknkan ke dlm acuan tat.
Cucuk2kan dgn garpu.

3. Bakar 175C selama 10 min.
Sejukkan & simpan dlm bekas kedap udara sehingga di perlukan.

250g Cream Cheese
2 sb Butter - di lembutkan pd suhu bilik
1/3 cwn Gula
2 bj Telur
2 sb Susu Segar
1 sb Tepung
Jem Bluberi

1. Pukul cream cheese, gula & butter sehingga lembut & sebati.
Masukkan telur satu persatu sehingga sebati.
Masukkan susu, tepung & gaul sebati.
2. Sudukan jem bluberi ke dlm pastri tat.
Tutup dgn adunan cheese.
Corakkan pattern ke atas permukaan dgn campuran jem & sedikit adunan.
3. Bakar 180C selama 7-10 min.
Hidangkan suam atau sejuk.


  1. Lovely tarts, looks extremely fabulous..

  2. Tart dan pinggan sama cantik,macam tuannya la tu.

  3. Salam kak roz,
    Wa... filling cream cheese ya kak. Nyam nyam....

  4. along cayang!! wahh cistat! best.. nor angkut wat balik rumah ya... ehhh angkut dgn cake tier tu sekali ya... heehehe

  5. Waaa chese tart. memang saya expert

  6. Ros, kak copy yr recepi ye i suke cheese nanti i nak cube. terime kasih
    mummy ayda


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