
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Liana on Holiday and My 21st Anniversary

 Hello everyone, I am back feeling mentally fresh after few days holidaying in KK in conjunction with our 21st wedding anniversary. It was a whole family trip and we had lots of fun going round to several places including a boat ride to an island. It was just a very short break but so good to be away from daily routines.....
Thanks so much to my sister & BIL who entertained us everyday for you all...!!

Syukur, alhamdulillah that we made it for another year a happy and blessed marriage. What more can I ask from Allah except for continuous happiness and blessings for both of us and our children. No home-made cake this year to share with all of you but sharing some photos with Liana who enjoyed herself more than anyone else.

To MAA, thanks for remembering our special date with advance wishes.... appreciate that very much especially your very encouraging support for this blog.


  1. happy 21st anni buat along dan suami.. semoga bahagia bersama hingga ke akhir hayat.. amiin...

  2. Happy 21st anniversary for both of you! Wishing you a lot of love to keep you warm even after your gold wedding anniversary. :)

  3. happy 21st anniversary untuk along dan suami semoga kekal bahagia hingga selama-lamanya.Cm tumpang gembira:)mendoakan yang terbaik untuk along sekeluarga.

  4. assalamualaikum besan.... kisahnyer g cuti2 sambut annivesary er? hikhik... tahniah dah 21taunn... bahgia ngan suami dan anak bujang yg ensem2 ngan liana yg kiut miut macam puan besan! hihi.... we love u olls! mmuah!!

  5. Happy 21st Anniversary kak!!! Wish U both lots of happiness! Liana looking sweet just like her mummy...hehe! Her swimsuit is similar to Ashika's. Tul tak??

  6. Nor,
    Maceh doa...Amin!


    Many thanks for nice wishes. I wish that too...

    Maceh doa...Amin!

    Wsalam besan ku cayang. Maceh u oll tu...mmmuah2

    Thx for the wishes. Yes, very similar swimsuit lah...hehe.

  7. along, hepy anniversary yg ke 21!!!! maintain lawa..hehhehehe....moga along dan keluarga dilimpahi rahmat dariNya..cayang along!!

    *along,mie dh bawak apam tepung beras tok along. ada atas meja,nanti tengok ye..hehehhe

  8. salam along...happy 21st anniversary!
    بارك الله لكما وبارك عليكما
    وجمع بينكما في خير

    p/s dah balik bercuti tp blm main masak2 lagi..letih unpacking x habis lg :))

  9. salam along..hepi anniversary ye! moga cinta kasih kalian akan tetap mekar & kekal selamanya dan dirahmati olehNya sentiasa..amin! muaah!

  10. happy 21st anniversary along ..
    Semoga rumahtangga along sentiasa dilimpahi rahmat dari Nya dan penuh dengan kasih syg..Amin

  11. Happy anniversary!
    Waa..tak caye dah 21 thn kawin..waa you look so young!!

  12. Seronok bercuti one family..Congrats to u n hubby, the kids must be very happy to witness this special doubt, u look so young mcm baru 21 thn!

  13. salam along..
    tahniah!! happy 21st anniversary... betul kata kwn2 yg lain.. along nampak sangat muda.. tak sangka dah 21 thn kawin ye.. 3 heroes tu pun dah besar2 belaka.. kalau jln sama2.. mesti ada yg kata adik beradik.. hehe..

  14. Salam Along,
    Sori la Ummi terlambat wish, blk kampung wiken baru nih..hehe. Happy 21st Anniversary to both of you...semoga perkahwinan sentiasa diberkati dan dirahmati Allah swt. sepanjang hidup...moga2 kasih sayang yg disemai bertambah2....amiiinn..

  15. Salam Along, kak rose pun terlewat nak wish sbb balik kg di JB... nway happy 21st anniversary semuga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat.... jeles wei tengok Along yg selim melim tu!

  16. Salam Along,
    Happy Anniversarry to both of along kelihatan awet muda sentiasa..moga mahligai yg di bina kekal bahagia hingga ke akhir hayat...Amiinnnn...

  17. Salam.. Kak Alongroz, Happy 21st Anniversary.. Semoga dilimpahkan kebahagiaan yg berpanjangan dan semoga mahligai yg dibina akan berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat.. Seronoknya bercuti kat KK.. Ermm panjat gunung Kinabalu tak?

    Pasal baju tu, Nur buat stok tahun depan.. lama dah memborong kain ela.. Rasanya baju Kak Alongroz lagi cantik2..


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