
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Spiral Potato

 Tried Spiral Potato to accompany our breakfast today: Spiral Potato, Baked Beans, Half-boiled Eggs and Toasted Bread (actually I also made baked tomato but forgot to snap it). The Spiral Potato turns out crispy and kids love it. We actually had this once the last time when we visited Taiping (sold at Pasar Malam).
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Hana
METHOD: Poke a potato with a stick & slice thru in spiral. Move the spiral slightly apart. Sprinkle wth salt & pepper & deep fry.
You can also refer to: VIDEO You Tube


  1. I first saw this on Sea Salt with Food, where Hana took the video from.
    I also saw these at Pasar Malam, but never bought it.

  2. salam...nak tnya leh??nak perap potato tu ngan ape??

  3. Wendy,
    This is kind of trend food in Peninsular - kids crazy for it.

    Wsalam. Tak payah perap, cuma tabur garam & lada hitam sebelum goreng.

  4. Salam Along..minggu lepas makan potato ni, beli kat pasar malam PD..sedap la.. secucuk panjang cuma rm2, tp kat KL ni rm4..fuh..bezanya harga...sedap, siap pancut dengan mayonis dan chis lagi.. nanti nk cuba la buat leh pass ke?? cikgu jangan rotan tawww !!! hehe

  5. I saw Hana made it too, now you made it successfully. Me ... still do know when to start! Hahahha ... I'm very lousy in cooking :)


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