
Monday, January 17, 2011

Liana 1 Yr 7 Mths

 See my funny face..... Liana says mmmmuah2 to all the aunties out there...!

My Littel Liana has grown up very fast & she'll be 2 years old in 2011...! A very smart kid as she talks a lot (in fact non-stop) and communicates well at this age including able to name all animals, vegetables & fruits in English from her books and also able to count 1-10...! Amazing achievement for the age! My eldest son AlongRiz was also as smart who could count 1-100 at 2 yrs+ and started reading at 3 yrs. Actually I put very little effort but she just loves books over toys, just like AlongRiz. The moment I stepped into the house from work she ran to me with her books demanding me to read them. She'll remember the names just after one or two times telling her.... amazing eh...!
For all the aunties out there, here is special post for you.....  see you again...!


  1. wahh cunnyer anak dara ni.. makin manis.. cantik jer skirt tu.. hehe. kiss sket utk anak comel.. mmmmmmmuah! :)

  2. ehem ehemmmm... ai datang neh bawak ferrari merah! jom kuor jenjalan.... vromm vrooommmm... muekekekekekeke

  3. Alalala..cumeinya dia muncung mcm tu..Untie nak kiss skit..Muaahhhhhh!!!!....
    Along..cumei anak dara along ni...

  4. nak cium dulu...muahhhhhh....muaahhhhhh....liana ni kan, makin lame makin comeyy tau...issshhhh,geram nengok kecomelannya tu...

  5. kejap ajer dah besar cute ler liana auntie nie..Umar baru nak sibuk bertatih..seronok kan bila balik keje ada yang menunggu dengan semangat gitu...alahaiiii..moga liana terus sukses yer

  6. Masyallah comeinya gadis ini...terkenang anak anak cm bila baca n3 along kali ini.semua anak anak Cm suka buku dari toys sejak kecil lagi kecuali yang bongsu ni hehe...semoga adik mmanis ni menjadi seorang anak yg pintar dan taat pada kedua ibu bapa...

  7. emmmm comellnya muahhhh ... cup cup cup...

  8. WOW...she's one smart little girl! Cute ;)

  9. seronok tgk liana mmbesar thru ur blog.. so sweet n lah liana cepat pandai..smg akan jadi bijak sampai bila2...meh aunty sue siyum skit..muahhh!hehe

  10. wow, pandainya dah tahu all those things that u mentioned along!!..yes she is a smart girl i see, tengok gambar aje dah tahu mesti budaknya bijak..
    comel lagi..macam mama dialah tu..

  11. alolololo...comelnye bakal menantu orang yg duk jepun tu...berapa lah agaknya hantaran ni along? :)

    p/s liana..faheem suh aunty cikmin kirimkan macaron comel tuk liana ni..

  12. Beautiful girl! Just look pretty in any angle :)

  13. alahai comelnya liyana..kiss and hug untuk yana...

  14. To All Aunties..... meh peluk geyam semua.... mmmuah2!

  15. alalala....ayu dan comelnya diaaa....
    adik aisyah pun sama ni, mulut non-stop potpet2... kiss liana sikit,mmuah!

  16. Salam Liana

    Comel Liana buat muka gitu...hi..hi..
    Liana rajin pot pet bolehlah pot pet dgn Syakirah.

  17. Peluk geyam2 untuk Aishah & Syakirah.... mmmmuah2!!!

  18. ala..sweetnya liana ni..
    nanti besarrr..mesti pandai masak n kreatif mcm mamanya..hihi

  19. Sweet little cute Liana...aunty xde baby girl laaa... sungguh geram tgk liana....from perth with love muahhhsss...

  20. comelnyer diaaa.... cute sungguh nengok! rajin baca buku yerr....meh sini, auntie nak kiss sekali...muahhh!!! :)

  21. What a sweetie pie !! She sure knows how to pose for camera and look at that cheeky grin.....she can melts hearts with that.


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