
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sponge Cake w Fresh Cream

 My friend Cik Liz requested for birthday treat and wanted specifically birthday cake made by me. Haha.... I know my deco skill is very lousy because I never had any formal training but I was happy to fulfill my good friend's wish. She wanted Vanilla Sponge cake with Fresh Cream but I forgot about the vanilla flavour until the cake gotten into the oven....hehehe. Anyway hope Cik Liz was happy with the small party.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: book by Connie (Sponge Cake only)
Size: 8-9" round
5 Eggs
90g Sugar
10g Flour (I used Superfine)

1tbsp Corn Oil

1. Whisk the eggs over high speed for about 8 minutes (I did mine 6 min) until creamy.
Add in sugar gradually until mixture is thick & stiff.
Add in flour slowly until combined.
Add in oil & mix slowly until just combined.

2. Pour mixture into a lined & greased tin.
Bake 180C for 35 minutes.

Note: My cake shrink in the last 10 minutes of baking but still very fluffy. I guess it is alright

DECO: Whip 2 cups of whipping cream until stiff. Slice the cake into two & sandwich with fresh cream. Spread remaining all over the cake & decorate with fruits.

Kek span yang lembut dan sesuai di gandingkan dgn fresh cream.

Source: book by Connie (Sponge Cake only)
Saiz: 8-9" round

5 biji Telur
90g Gula
10g Tepung (Along guna tpg Superfine)
1sb Minyak Jagung

1. Pukul telur dgn kelajuan tinggi selama 6-8 minit sehingga pekat.
Masukkan gula sedikit2 sehingga adunan bertambah pekat.
Masukkan tepung sedikit2 sehingga sebati.
Masukkan minyak berhati2 sehingga sebati.

2. Tuang adunan ke dlm tin yg di lapik & di minyakkan.
Bakar 180C selama 35 minit.

HIASAN: Pukul 2 cwn whipping cream sehingga pekat. Potong kek kepada 2 lapisan & sapu cream antara nya. Sapu selebih nya keliling kek & hias dgn buah2an.


  1. the cake look sooo nicely decorated and YUMMY! (:

  2. tahniah along sb berjaya hias kek yg cantik ini and happy bday to cik liza:)

  3. wow!! cantiknyer along deco kekkkkk... suker la tgk! macam kat kedai! bulan sembilan nih nak tempah besday darwish! hihihi

  4. sedapnyer!!! erk.. byknyer lilin. cukup 30 ek? penat nk kira.hehe..
    whipping cream tu guna non-dairy ek? xpandai lagi deco cantik2 nih.

  5. Assalam along, cantik cream yg along buat ni kitanya hari tu tak menjadi..huhu

  6. sedapnye...

    guna whip cream x muak kn kn..

  7. Sweetilicious,
    TQ for the compliments.

    Alaaa... malu nya, tak ler cantik sgt, bodo2 je...hehe.

    Untuk menantu dah gerenti ada...don't worry tapi mama darwish lagi terer kan...hehe.

    Tun Telani,
    Kalau guna non-dairy lebih senang nak pukul & rasa nya pun lebih sedap tapi ikut suka, mana2 pun boleh - beli jer yg siap utk di pukul.

    Napa tak jadi, kalau terlebih pukul memang dia jadi air balik. Along bekukan dlm freezer sebelum pukul sure jadi tau.

    Faa Rosli,
    Fresh cream mmg tak muak tak cam butter cream....;)


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