
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Talam Ca-Ca

 Finally made this after thinking about it for so long.... nice kuih with top layer flavored with rose essence and Ca-Ca bits at the bottom - whole family like it and also brought some to office for breakfast.
By: Roz@HomeKreaton
Source: Adapted from Talam Sekoteng from KR_Ita Rohaya (Orig by Chef Asma)
Modified as Talam CaCa and halved the portion to fit the smaller size as below
Size: 8" round

50gm Ca Ca bits (rebus dahulu dan toskan)
90g Tepung Beras
125ml Santan Pekat
225ml Air
1/2 tbsp Tepung Hoen Kwe(putih)
60g Gula
1/2 tsp Garam

1.Campurkan semua bahan kecuali CaCa bits, gaul sebati dan tapis ke dlm periuk.
2. Masak sehingga naik wap, masukkan CaCa bits dan gaul rata.
3.Tuang ke dalam loyang dan kukus selama 25 minit.
4.Cakar dgn garpu apabila dah masak supaya lapisan atas tidak lekang.

75g Tepung Gandum
125g Gula
1 1/2 biji Telur
125ml Santan pekat
250ml Air
1/4 tsp Garam
1/2 tsp perisa rose

1. Campur semua bahan, gaul sebati & tapis ke dalam periuk.
2. Masak hingga naik wap dan tuang ke atas lapisan bawah.
3. Kukus selama 30 minit.
4. Tunggu hingga betul2 sejuk baru di potong dgn pisau plastic.


  1. fuh..mengancam betul warna talam cha cha tu...

  2. cantiknya!!!!tergoda.Boleh masuk list ni:)

  3. Wow they looks marvellous and catchy..

  4. Alamak biar betul ni. atau saya tersalah baca. Apa pun semoga along akan terus sukses.

  5. Salam. Kak Alongroz, sedihnya bila baca pengumuman dari akak nak berhenti berblog. Nur doakan akak terus sukses dan ceria di samping keluarga tercinta. Andai ada kesempatan, tinggalkan entri dalam blog akak ni ye.. Do take care sis.. I will miss you..

  6. Assalamualaikum along

    Dropped by your blog yesterday but I did not read till the end...I am sad though cos I've been following your blog for quite sometime, yapun a good friend from Miri introced me to your blog.

    I guess you have justified your decision, I respect your decision though I wish to see some more from you.

    Good luck and all the best in your future endeavours. Will definitely be dropping by now and then.

    Take care.

  7. Sedihnya along..smga along terus sukses.. saya juga minta ampun n maaf sekiranya ada yg mguris ada sepjg perkenalan kita.. tentu saya rindu along juga liana yg comel tu..

  8. Salam Along,
    Kalau dapat jumpa Along best juga tu kat waktu Along pegi kami dah balik dah rasanya... hehe... :)
    Dah tengok gambar2 Along. cantik2 dapat pegi sampai amsterdam.... kami entah bila nak sampai sana :)

  9. hello Roz,
    I'm sad to hear that you're going to end your blog. I've been following your blog every day. I love all your bakes and home cooked food which you had never failed to share with us. If you are very busy and has no time to share your baking stuffs perhaps you don't hve to post every day. Once in a while it will be good. Just love to see your artistic baking.
    Take care and love lots.


  10. clap3x..cantik sgt!!

    jelly caca dah pnh cuba..nnti blh cuba bt talam plak..thanks n happy mother's day! :)

  11. Assalamualaikum Roz,
    Selamat Hari Ibu ya. Sedapnya nampak talam ca ca tu....nak sikit....

    Note : Maaf yer Roz sbb tersilap link egg omelet tu, sy dah betulkan..

  12. It's sad to read that you have decided to end your blog. I chanced upon your blog sometime last year and have been checking it regularly. I even shared your blog with some of your friends and I have been inspired by your cooking and many talents. While I do not know what made you come to this decision, I really hope that you can return to this blog when circumstances permit. All the best :))

  13. I love reading your blog. I wish you all the best and take care !

  14. So sorry that you're ending this blog. I thought it is so wonderfully presented and adore all the recipes you have posted. Thank you for sharing your love and passion for cooking.

  15. Thanks for the recipe. Its ok to keep quiet for sometime when you think it necessary but dont forget to come back here and write kay.
    I'll still be waiting for you here. Take care and good luck. Hope to see you soon...

  16. salam along. t kasih krn sudi mencuba resepi yg masukkan kat KR. sedapkan. ita pun suka. dulu ita pun ada mintak along alih bahasa resepi ke dalam BM. along ingat tak. tkasih along

  17. you are so talented, beautiful and kindhearted otherwise you wouldn't share your recipe here. Good luck and don't forget to write when you come back.


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