
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kek Lumut Sarawak II (Sarawak Steamed Green Cake II)

 Few days ago, my lovely blog friend Nur68 emailed me this very nice recipe of her mum's which she said is an old version of Sarawak Kek Lumut. I get very excited when I received this recipe by looking at the ingredients which uses only sugee flour & nestum with no flour necessary. I couldn't wait to try it out and today is the best opportunity because I was on half day leave in the afternoon and my friend CikY & her son from KL visited us. I invited her for dinner and this cake was one of my treat.

My hubby really loves this cake and he did not stop eating it one by one while complementing the taste. Indeed this is very different than the first Kek Lumut version that I tried earlier here in term of ingredients/texture/taste - it is softer and crumbly and most of all tastier. I will definitely make this again in the future but perhaps should reduce the amount of butter slightly. Thanks so much Nur Cayang & to your kind mum too for sharing a great recipe.

Sorry for keep you waiting. It was passed 1 am when I posted it last night and hence was too tired to type the recipe.

Source: email from Nur68
Recipe below is half of the original measurement
Size: 8" Round
5 Eggs
1 cup Caster Sugar
8oz Butter
½ cup Sugee Flour
1 cup Nestum
½ cup Ideal Milk
½ cup Tea (2 tsp tea powder + water)
Green Color (I used Pandan Paste)


1. Beat egg until fluffy.
Add in sugar gradually while beating.

2. Beat butter until fluffy & add into egg batter.

Add in sugee flour & nestum until well mixed.
Add in milk, tea & green coloring.

3. Steam for 2 hours until cooked.


Resipi sumbangan daripada sahabat blogger Nur68. Menurut ibu nya ini ialah resepi dulu2 yg asal & tiada menggunakan tepung. Nur kata kalau cair boleh tambah tepung tapi Along tak tambah pun & ok jer keras tapi mungkin kena kurangkan butter sedikit supaya tidak berminyak. Rasa nya tersangat enak sebab rasa suji & nestum yang harum. Maceh setinggi gunung Sentubong kepada Nur68 sebab sudi kongsikan resepi di sini.

Source: email drpd Nur68
Resepi di bawah ni Along dah separuhkan drpd yg asal.
Saiz: 8" Bulat
5 biji Telur

1 cwn Gula Halus
8oz Mentega
½ cwn Tepung Suji
1 cwn Nestum
½ cwn Susu Ideal
½ cwn Teh (2 st serbuk teh + air)
Pewarna Hijau (Along guna Pes Pandan)

1. Pukul telur sehingga kembang.
Masukkan gula sedikit2 sambil di pukul.

2. Pukul mentega sehingga kembang & campurkan ke dlm adunan telur.
Masukkan tepung suji & nestum & gaul sebati.
Masukkan susu, teh & pewarna hijau.

3. Kukus selama 2 jam sehingga masak.


  1. Along, nak la resepinya... kalau kawan tu boleh sharekan...

  2. lama dah kak cek tak wat kuih lapis....hongkong flour pun dok byk dlm stok ckp kek lumut ni sedap...mesti sedap ni kan Along...teringin lak kak cek nak buat...:)

  3. Along nampak hijau dan tenty sedapbrasanya..:)


  5. looks really moist,rasa mcm nak mkn banyak2 :)

  6. Kekawan semua,
    Sabor2..... sorry ya terlambat taip resepi, al maklum ler dah pukul 1 pagi waktu Along post entri ni semalam. Resepi dah pun update. Kalau cuba, sila lah kasitau ya.

  7. salam along..
    dh lama tingin nk mkn kek lumut special dr s'wak ni..bila nk wat...bahan ni ade..bhn yg lain plk xde...ehhmm...jamu mata kt sini je lah dulu ye...

  8. ohh..terlupa nk tanya..sedap ke letak serbuk teh tu along..

  9. KZai,
    Wsalam. Buat lah KZai, tak nyesal tau. Errrr... bukan serbuk teh KZai, air teh ler... jangan silap tau....hehe. TQ, Along update sikit takut org lain pun salah faham.

  10. waduh sedapnye along..mangancam tul!!

  11. along....kek tu mengancam habis...

  12. p) are most welcomed and it's a pleasure to be able to share with you here ...

  13. Along..dah try ni..yummy! tp lupa nk kurgkn butter..rasanya antara nk krgkn butter or egg utk hasil krg bminyak kn along?anyway..thanks! :)

  14. kak long, nk tanya kek ni tahan lama tak kak? agak2 berapa lama yer? saya cdg nk buat time raya... kalau saya buat hari sabtu, hari selasa raya tu masih elok ker?

  15. qUETIm,
    Kalau biar kat suhu bilik, cuma tahan 1-2 hari saja sebab kek ni lembab & cepat berkulat. Kalau nak tahan lebih lama simpan dalam petisejuk/fridge boleh tahan >1 minggu. Tapi keluarkan awal sikit & hidangkan pada suhu bilik, ada org tak suka makan yg sejuk.

  16. Salam...nak tanya...nestum/cereal tu nak dikisar dulu atau tak?

  17. Nestum perlu d kisar ke

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. hi Roz, Im a newbie to baking
    may i know the meaning to "½ cwn Teh (2 st serbuk teh + air)" ? is there any other option if i dont have serbuk teh?
    Thanks & Regards

  21. Nak tanye serbuk teh tu
    Serbuk teh yg wat minum ke cam teh boh ke
    Mintak pencerahan

  22. Nak tanye serbuk teh tu
    Serbuk teh yg wat minum ke cam teh boh ke
    Mintak pencerahan

  23. leh bg pencerahan pasal serbuk teh tuh x? teh apa yg diguna an n size telor yg along guna an.. tq


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