
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Double Cheese Chocolate Tiramisu

 I dedicate this post to a colleague Anatasia whom I have just gotten to know.... we talked passionately about food and she was drooling when I told her about my own Tiramisu recipe creation. In order to share the recipe with Anatasia, I decided to make this for Raya Aidil Adha few days ago which was also due to popular demand from the two boyz as well as a couple of good friends (Captain Hamidon & Hatta).
To imitate the soft mascarpone cheese texture (or Zabaglione), I've added whipped cream to the cream cheese mixture and the texture is almost there although taste wise my two boys still prefer Tiramisu using mascarpone cheese. I think this recipe produces lovely soft texture just the way I wanted....

I replaced the typical sponge fingers with salt-cheese crackers because I don't really like the taste & texture of sponge fingers and that is how I came up with the name "Double Cheese". Another twist I made is adding chocolate spread between each layers for an extra kick as I find the standard Tiramisu is just boring plain cheesy taste. The overall outcome is really awesome....!!!

Created By: Roz@HomeKreation
Makes 10"x6" or 8" sq
2 packs (16oz/500g) of Cream Cheese
½ cup Sugar
Salt-cheese Crackers
200ml Whipping Cream - whipped until stiff - see photo
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
3 tbsp Nescafe + 1 cup Hot Water
2 packet Salt-cheese Crackers (didn't use all) 
1 cup Chocolate Hazelnut Spread - I used homemade from here 
Cocoa Powder

1. Beat cream cheese & sugar until smooth.
Mix in whipped cream & mix well.
Add in VE.

2. Lightly grease a glass container.
a. Dip salt-cheese crackers in nescafe mixture, just for a second and arrange in the container base.
b. Spread Chocolate Hazelnut Spread to cover the biscuit layer.
c. Spread cream cheese mixture to cover the whole area.
d. Repeat layering with biscuits --> choc spread --> cream cheese mixture.
e. Lastly, sprinkle cocoa powder on the top surface (sprinkle more cocoa powder before serve).

3. Chill overnight before serve.

Resipi ni dah lama Along hasilkan & sangat popular kat rumah ni dgn anak2 Along. Kalau buat sekejap jer licin, juga kawan2 rapat Along yg selalu jer dapat merasa setiap kali Along buat ni. Resipi ni Along tujukan kepada kenalan baru Anatasia drpd jabatan tempat kerja. Juga Along tujukan kepada E-na@Lovely Kitchen, Nor@Secubit Garam dan Fiza Nordin yg usya2 Along kat facebook waktu Along tayang menu Hari Raya Haji beberapa hari lalu.

Resepi Tiramisu ni ada kelainan sebab Along tak guna sponge fingers (Along tak suka rasa & tekstur nya) tapi menggunakan biskut keju masin, menjadikan Tiramisu ni double cheese flavour! Juga ada lapisan chocolate supaya tidak jemu dgn hanya rasa cheese. Tekstur cream cheese nya pula Along lembutkan dgn mencampurkan whipped cream supaya lembut ala2 mascarpone cheese walaupun dari segi rasa mungkin tak sama dgn mascarpone cheese yg lebih di gemari oleh anak2 Along (they all ni pasal makan memang pandai komen...).

ok lah, meh semak resepi nya.

Saiz bekas 10"x6" atau 8"persegi
2 kotak (16oz/500g) Cream Cheese
½ cwn Gula
Salt-cheese Crackers
200ml Whipping Cream - pukul sehingga bertanduk spt gambar di bawah
1 st Esen Vanilla
3 sb Nescafe + 1 cwn Air Panas
2 bungkus Salt-cheese Crackers (tak habis semua)
1 cwn Chocolate Hazelnut Spread - Along guna homemade kat sini
Serbuk Koko

1. Pukul cream cheese & gula sehingga sebati.
Masukkan whipped cream yg telah di pukul bertanduk sehingga sebati.
Masukkan EV.

2. Sapu butter di dasar bekas.
a. Celup salt-cheese crackers ke dlm bancuhan nescafe selama 1 saat & susun di dasar bekas.
b. Sapu Chocolate Hazelnut Spread sehingga menutupi lapisan biskut.
c. Sapu cream cheese menutupi lapisan seterus nya.
d. Ulangi melapis biskut --> choc spread --> cream cheese.
e. Akhir sekali ayakkan serbuk koko di atas permukaan Tiramisu (boleh di tambah sewaktu menghidang).

3. Sejukkan semalaman sebelum di hidangkan.
Stiff Whipped Cream (Whipped Cream yg telah di pukul sehingga bertanduk)


  1. salam along cayang!! muuah! muahhh ! utk along yg dah postkan resipi tiramisu ni.. tq so much along :) nor save resipi ni dulu ya... hhee tq :)

  2. Omg, mindblowing tiramisu,stunning and inviting.

  3. Hi, wow! Love this cakes! And your presentation, display can make 4 Seasons hotel manager jealous.
    I bet this will disappear real fast too, ha ha.
    You keep well, have a nice day.

  4. hihiii Along tayang tiramisu tepat pd waktunya..E-na dok study resepi tiramisu utk di cuba...thanks so much Along...E-na save resepi ni dulu ye...muaahhh!

  5. Nor,
    Wsalam. You are most welcome cayang! Dah cuba nanti hantor ler sepiring kasi Along rasa ya.

    Indeed... you should try dear.

    Uncle Lee,
    Hi Uncle Lee, long time no see! Just cincai cincai snap lah, don't have much time for deco otherwise should qualify for 5* hotel because the taste is awesome...hehehe.

    Resepi ni memang khas tujukan utk Ena, so cuba tau, jangan tak cuba...hehe.

  6. Assalamualaikum kak..wahhh..sedapnyer..yummyyy...yummyyy...

  7. hai...salam kenal..^^ suka dgn resepi dlm ni... saya follow yer...:)

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  10. sedapppnya along....
    waa, nak rasa jgak.. ^__^

  11. uwaaaa..buat yatie terliur je tngk kek ni..keknya mewah betullah..tunggu beli creamcheese dululah, masuk list ni...tq Along..

  12. Memang sodap,kojap lae nak cubo,t.q along

  13. Wahhh mesti sedap ni, ada masa nak buatlah. Dah 3 minggu en. hubby soh buat tiramisu, tp tak tunai2kan. ni dah jumpe resepi nampak best ni, ada time nak try lah.... nak meleleh air liur menengoknyeeee

  14. soalan lari sikit..hrp maaf..stand mixer you yg jenis 5 litre ke?Berangan nak beli jadi biarlah berbaloi.Maklum masak main2 ,jadi ada hand mixer aje.Bila buat pavlova 2biji telur pun adunan naik nak jejak motor dia..jadi sejak rajin msk ni nak belilah satu:)

  15. Kpd semua pengunjung,
    Maceh ya komen2 anda. Kalau teringin kena cuba tau!

    Tak pasti lak Along berapa lier saiz mangkuk tu. Along ada dua jenis mesin pengadun, satu tu Kenwood & satu lagi Braun food processor. Utk tiramisu ni Along guna Braun sbb lebih senang nak whip krim. Tapi kalau Aini nak beli, Along rekemen beli Kenwood sbb mangkuk steel dia mmg besar (boleh muat 30 biji telur utk bat kek lapis). Lagi pun mesin dia tahan lama & tak mudah rosak. Kalau rosak pun ada ejen yg boleh service. Harga mmg mahal tapi berbaloi, kalau cermat boleh pakai sampai ke tua....hehe. kalau nak murah, ada jenama Taiwan yg hampir serupa dgn Kenwood. Adik Along beli ok gak nampak nya.

  16. pakai brand ape ek utk biskut tu? ada jgk cari tp tak jumpa

  17. Maisarah,
    Kat Sarawak ni cuma ada brand Khong Guan.

  18. salam ukhwah cik puan roz.saya jijah dari kLia,mintak halalkan resepi yg masyaallah,mabeles(sbb cheese you!!)..makaseh byk2!

  19. SweetAzezah,
    Wsalam & salam ukhwah dari ALong juga. TQ sudi mencuba & kasi feedback kat sini. Sonok dengar menjadi.

    1. salam..along,kat semenanjung ni xdok juai sekuk tu..jijah penh mkn dlu,tupon kwn bli dri jakrta.dah jenuh dok tawaf kat kdai2 kat cni.dari Giant ke tesco,dri hypermarket ke kdai2 runcit biasa,namun xbisa ku ketemu sekuk ciz itew :(.so l0m terai wat lagi..yg ade kat cni sekuk ciz yg ala2 berminyak tu..

  20. Salam.. Kak Along, Im ur silent reader.hehe. Baru jugakla jmp blog ni.. Nk tny.dr dulu sy pening dok mikir. If a recipe ask for whipping cream, do we need to whip it first, or only if the recipe ask for whip it mcm recipe kat ats ni then bru kita whip? TQ -Sara

  21. Asalam Along..makasih utk 1st time buat tiramisu n buat 2 adunan..Fuhhhh sedap2 sngt..wlpn tak jmpa crackers yg u pkai(sy pkai crackers keju lain brand)p hasilnya wala! ;))

  22. as slm sis.. mtk izin copy resipi utk personal use.. tq

  23. nak tanye, mana nak dpt cheese cracker kat kl n jenama aa. sbb sy x jumpa saltcheese cracker kat kl.. tq..


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