
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Spicy Fried Lamb (Kambing Goreng Berempah)

 Another dish from last week Idh Adha... Sorry it takes a week long to share all the recipes from my Idh menu. I could only afford to update one recipe a day due to my busy schedule and furthermore I need to balance my activities, otherwise I may neglect my other responsibilities in the real life. Thanks God, at least there is still some space for me to do blogging...!

This is whole family favorite and it always ran out every time I cooked this. My two boyz complained that they did not have enough! Actually there were other dishes besides this one so I did not cook a big portion.
Recipe By: Roz@HomeKreation
1 kg Lamb Shoulders - cut into abt 2" sq 
2 tbsp Flour
1 tbsp Turmeric Powder
3 tbsp Chili Paste
5 Lemongrass*
10 Shallots*
3 cloves Garlic*
4" Ginger*
2 tbsp Coriander Seeds*
1 tbsp Cumin*
1tbsp Fennel Seeds* (* blend) 
Salt & Sugar
1 cup Oil

1. Rub cleaned lamb with plain flour thoroughly & rinse.
(This is to get rid of lamb smell).
2. Mix lamb with salt, turmeric powder & chili paste.
Add in blended ingredients, salt & sugar.
Marinate for at least half an hour.
3. Heat up 1 cup of oil in a non stick pot/wok.
Stir fry marinated lamb until dry and fragrant.
4. Dish out into a strainer to remove excessive oil.

Daging kambing kalau masak camni memang takda bau langsung bahkan sangat harum dengan rempah yg di masak garing. Anak2 Along ratah2 jer lauk ni & lepas tu komplen mama masak sikit sangat.

1 kg Daging Kambing (Lamb Shoulders) - potong saiz 2" persegi
2 sb Tpg Gandum
1 sb Serbuk Kunyit
3 sb Cili Mesin
5 btg Serai*
10 ulas Bwg Merah*
3 ulas Bwg Putih*
4" Halia*
2 sb Biji Ketumbar*
1sb Jintan Manis*
1 sb Jintan Putih* (* blend) 
Garam & Gula
1 cwn Minyak

1. Gaul kambing dgn tpg sehingga rata & bilas.
(tujuan nya utk menghilangkan bau hamis kambing)
2. Gaul dgg kambing dgn garam, serbuk kunyit & cili mesin sehingga rata.
Gaulkan dgn bhn2 blend, garam & gula.
Perap selama sekurang2nya 1/2 jam.
3. Panaskan 1 cwn minyak di dlm periuk/kuali tak melekat.
Masak sehingga kering & rempah2 nya garing.
4. Angkat & biarkan di dalam tapis sebentar utk mengasingkan minyak yg berlebihan.

Cooking in process....


  1. Bila tengok bahan2 nya pun dah tau sedap tu along..boleh lah cuba nanti..

    eh!along asal dari taiping ya.kat mana tu?.adik akak pun dok taiping.kamunting.

  2. anymz,
    Cuba lah KakAnim, bebudak kat rumah ni suka masak camni.
    Along pun asal Kamunting gak KakAnim. Siapa nama adik KakAnim tu, silap2 kenal pula....

  3. Along...kambing...kak ros hantu kambing.kak ros suka kambing tak kira la masak apa pun.yang ni mesti sedap ni.

  4. PuanRos,
    Mesti KakRos ada macam2 respi kambing kan. Nanti sound2 lah kat Along bila ada respi kat blog KakRos.

  5. Alonggg cayang sedapnya cheq tak pernah beli kamben heheheh macam best je nak tuko ngan lembulah sbb dgg masih berbaki lagi

  6. Sedap nampak..lama tak makan kambing....disebabkan akak high blood dilarang keras mendekati lamb or mutton any way sedap...betul nampak resipi ni.

  7. ChikMimi,
    Pakai daging pun buleh tapi tak leh lawan kamben, tak rasa tak tau lagi....hehe

    Shian nya... nak jemput makan pun jauh sangat...hehe

    Dulu ALong pun tak kasi hubby makan kambing sbb BP tapi laa ni hentam jer sbb ada pula yg kata kambing is better than beef for BP... tatau lah... tengok ok jaa dia lepas makan ni...

  8. Salam ...Along,
    Eda dah cuba lauk ni tghari semlm...memang sedaplah...anak2 suka sangat...eda dah letak gambar lauk ni kat blog eda...mita halal resepi ni ya!...sayang along...muaahahhh


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