
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Bahulu Ros (Rose Muffins)

 I was looking for an idea what to make for a colleague's wife who came to visit Miri and also happened to be my blog follower..... I came home late from office so can't do anything too time consuming or too many ingredients which I may not readily had. After searching, then I came across this at Ummi's blog. I am very please with the texture which very much resembles the traditional Malay muffins - crispy on the outside and spongy in the inside. It is called Bahulu Ros because of the added rose essence but the name gave me the idea to use my silicon rose muffin mould that I bought about a year ago but still unused.
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Ummi (orig by: MyR_Mama MyVi )
Translated into English by HomeKreation
Makes 13 pcs or one 8" round
4 Eggs
1½ cup Granulated Sugar
(can reduce if you like)
1 tsp Rose Essence
1¾ cup Flour
Drops of Pink Coloring

1. Beat egg & sugar until fluffy.
Add in rose essence & beat well.
Add in flour until well mixed.
2. Scoop some batter out & mix with pink color.3. Oil the mould & scoop batter alternately with different color.
Bake 180C for 15-20 minutes for muffin size or 45 min for 8" round.



Along buat ni untuk hadiahkan kpd seseorang.... Rasa nya macam bahulu kampung - rangup berkerak di luar & lembut di dalam. Resepi asal masak dalam loyang besar tapi kan dah nama nya Bahulu Ros, bagus gak kalau buat bentuk bunga ros kan.

Source: Ummi (orig by: MyR_Mama MyVi )
Acuan bulat 8" ataupun 13 ketul cam Along punya
4 biji Telur
1½ cwn Gula Pasir
(boleh kurangkan jika suka)
1 st Esen Rose
1¾ cwn Tepung Gandum 
Beberapa titik Pewarna Merah Jambu

1. Pukul telur bersama gula sehingga kembang.
Masukkan esen rose
Masukkan tepung gandum, pukul lagi sehingga sebati. 
2. Asingkan sesenduk adunan dan campurkan dengan pewarna.
3. Sapu acuan dengan minyak masak.
Masukkan adunan berselang-seli warna.
4. Bakar 180C selama 15-20 minit (acuan muffin) atau 45 minit acuan 8" bulat.


  1. ini kira bahulu moden.Tentu sedap dan wangi dengan perisa rose.

  2. Salam.. Nur memang suka bahulu..
    Nampak menarik sangat untuk dicuba.
    Ic.. baru tahu rupanya boleh bakar dalam oven je. Acuan khas (bentuk ros) tu takde la.. (any option kak)

    Mesti sedap sangat.. Sesuai untuk dibuat bila raya nanti dan untuk makan sendiri.

  3. Thanks for the Bahulu, Along thoughtful of you..cantik and yummy.. Aleesya loved it too..and didn't stop eating till finished. Like you said, crispy on the outside and spongy in the inside..

  4. I sempat makan separuh jer sebab Aleesya and mommynya dah booked the rest haha. Thanks Roz!! Should try this recipe.

    1. hahaa... papa kena sacrifice lah kan... furthermore you dah selalu merasa yg lain2 I bawa kat office....hehe.

  5. CikManggis,
    Moden dari segi rupa & cara bakar tapi dari segi rasa tak jauh beda cam bahulu kpg.

    Wsalam. Other option pakai loyang 8" bulat cam Ummi bikin. Along rasa boleh juga buat kecik2 guna acuan bahulu cermai.

    You are most welcome. Something humble, glad that Aleesya likes it.

  6. Nk seketoi along cayang...curi2 masa tok...sambil melapis kek...hehhehe

  7. saya kan kak..suka sgt dgn bahulu...kalau dulu pegi beraya rumah org mesti carik biskut terbaru..tapi sekarang suka carik minum dgn teh ke kopi ke best betul..:)

  8. So cute and pretty looking muffins.

  9. salam along sayang... huuuu.. dtg nak mkn baulu ros yg cantik ni saya suke yg ranggup2 kt luar tu.. rindunya pada liana..tentu dah bertambah bijak agaknya sicomel tu..

  10. Aslmkum Along comei..
    Comei2 tau boulu Along tu..Bentuk rose lagi. Pastu nampak mcm garing ja kat luarnya..Makan panas2 tu sedapnya lah..

  11. Terbaek laaa bahulu rose Alongroz... sedapnye

  12. Hi Roz, your bahulu ros looks so lovely, I love the pink swirl, so nice.

  13. Along cayanggg...amboii menyelongkar dapur kita eh...alhamdulillah terjumpa gak yg berkenan di hati yeaa...hehee.. Aah mmg sedap baulu ni, bersakar2 kerak di luar dan lembut peroi di dalam kan...*ingat2 lupa gak ni...hehe. Ni kira sesi pecah dara mould la eks...cantiiiikkk... ^__^

  14. salam along..
    nampak cantik bila dh masuk dlm mould camtue..senang nk makan lg..x payah potong2:)

  15. Assalam along, cantiknya your baulu ros ni..
    geram tau kita tengok rasa nak capai aje 5 ketul..heeh
    boleh masuk list ni along raya nanti kan..

  16. salam along....hehe!!!bestnye kalau ada org hadiahkan bahulu ros ni utk ROS kat sini.hehe, syok tgk kerak garing2 tu. mesti crunchy

  17. salam along cayang..geram sehh tgk kulit baulu yg crispy tuh..rasa nk ngaap jek..alahai layan mata jerla ek!!


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