
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Banana Fritters (Goreng Pisang Tepung Celup Hana)

 My hubby chopped a banana tree behind our backyard today and some of it already yellowish. I had small portion of dinner only as I wanted to reserve some space for banana fritters during supper. I took the opportunity to try the batter recipe shared by Hana recently. Coincidentally, at Hilmi's gathering yesterday we had hot crispy banana fritters and the maid shared the recipe (asked by a friend) which using the same ingredients.

I made only half of below's recipe as my hubby and son already full, but using one whole egg. The batter produces light and crispy crumbs.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Hana
2 cup Rice Flour
1 Egg (small)
1 tsp Sugar
¼ tsp Lime Water
(not too much or else batter will taste bitter)
¼ tsp Turmeric Powder
1 cup Water

1. Mix all ingredients until smooth.
2. Ready to be used as batter for fritters - banana/sweet potato/yam/etcs.
3. Deep fry until crispy.

Memalam ni Along buat goreng pisang.... tadi petang hubby tebang pokok pisang kat belakang rumah. Gemuk2 pisang tu, ada 8 sikat kesemua nya. Along dah sedekah kat jiran2 belakang, selebih nya nak bawa gi office kasi kat member2 pula. Ada sesikat yg dah kuning, Along teringin betul nak makan malam ni juga. Tadi dinner makan nasi sikit jer sebab nak makan pisang goreng pula waktu supper ni. Teringat pula resipi tepung goreng yg di kongsikan oleh besan baru2 ni. Kebetulan, kelmarin gi khenduri rumah Hilmi & Maz, dihidangkan dgn goreng pisang panas yg rangup. Sorang kawan tu tanya resepi nya - letak tepung beras + kapur + telur, cam sama lak dgn resipi yg di kongsikan oleh Hana. Maceh ya besan cayang... mmg rangup pun tepung ni, ringan jer. Semuga makcik goreng pisang yg kasi resepi ni di murahkan Allah rezeki dia....

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
(Along buat separuh dari resipi di bawah ni tapi Along letak 1 bj telur)
Source: Hana
2 cwn Tepung Beras
1 bj Telur (saiz kecil)
1 sk Gula
¼ sk Air Kapur
(jgn terlebih nanti pahit)
¼ sk Serbuk Kunyit

1 cwn Air

1. Bancuh kesemua bahan2 sehingga sebati.
2. Siap utk di celupkan pisang, ubi, dll & goreng sehingga rangup.
Angkat & toskan.


  1. nampak ranggup betul goreng pisang along ni. malam pun malam la, goreng pisang panas mesti mau... hehe

  2. waduh, malam2 tengok goreng pisang ni jadi lapar...
    tak bisa tidoooooo hwawwawawwaa

  3. Wah sedapnya.. Kalau cicah sambal kicap lagi ummpphh.. Nak cubalah juga..

  4. Nampak crispy banana fritters tu.. boleh cuba nanti..

  5. Hello AlongRoz,

    What is kapor in english? or a substitute?



    1. In English Lime paste or lime water. No substitute, can just omit if you do not have.

  6. nampak rangup along...camni makan sambil tengok tv besstt nih...hehehe

  7. Mil kmk mlh tpg cucur pun lbh kurang juak cam tok...ada kapur,tlor..kadang campur gula apong....nang nyaman...rangup n wangi...:-)

  8. Hello Sue, Miri...

    You can get kapor at the tamu, where vendors sell tobacco, sirih leaves and betel nuts. These stalls are at tamu kedayan (across the road from the fish markets). I think the english version would be called - slacked lime. Do not get confused with "kapor barus" - this is mothballs. Hope this helps.

    Jane Doe


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