
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Chapati Folders

 Chapati is my family traditional's meal, loved by everyone... I came from a very big family and I recalled that when we were children, everytime my mother made chapati for dinner, we all applaused with joy - it was considered special. My father too took a pride of my mother's chapati that he considered the best. My grandmother was half Indian and therefore making chapati was considered a basic skill.

This time I made chapati folders - using the basic chapati recipe but further fry it on griddle until crispy and with filling. Since it is using atta flour (wholemeal), it is very filling but my sons had two each!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
CHAPATI (8 pieces):
500g Atta Flour (Indian wholemeal flour)
Water + salt + sugar
- Mix & knead. Divide into 8 balls & brush with oil.
- Leave it for at least 10 minutes before roll it thin.
- Cook on a hot griddle, flipping frequently until cooked.
- Spread with butter/ghee once cooked.

Some leftover beef steak
1 Big onion
Chopped Cabbage, Tomato & Cucumber, Red Chili
Pounded 2 cloves garlic, ginger, black pepper

BBQ Sauce, Mayonnaise, Chili Sauce

1. Heat up 1-2 tbsp oil & stir-fry pounded ingredients until fragrant.
Add in the rest & stir for a minute.
2. Melt a tbsp margarine & place a piece of cooked chapati.
Place some filling on top.
Pipe the sauce on top & fold.
Lift out once the chapati is crispy & serve right away.

Starting to puff up on a hot griddle

Along buat roti capati ni untuk sarapan pagi dan kali ni Along buat folders sebab anak2 Aong suka makan camni. Ada pula beef steak leftover dari malam, so hiris2 buat filling, memang best sangat tengok they all makan. Roti ni guna tepung atta, so memang cepat kenyang - emak Along suka buat ni tapi lipat 4 segi & cicah dgn kuah sardin dan kacang panjang goreng untuk makan malam... abang2 Along dan arwah Abah suka sangat makan camtu.

Nak bancuh & uli ni kena pandai supaya roti tak liat, nak cerita pun tak tau... Selalu nya org perap dulu supaya tepung nya lembut tapi Along selalu buat tak main perap2, terus je canai & roti tetap lembut walaupun sudah sejuk. Bagi anda yg baru nak belajar, kena lah perapkan sebentar k.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
CAPATI (8 pieces):
500g Tepung Atta
Air + garam + gula
- Campurkan tepung & air & uli sebentar.
- Bahagi kepada 8 ketul & lumur dgn minyak.
- Perapkan sebentar & canai setiap biji bentuk bulat senipis yg boleh.
- Masak atas kuali leper yg panas, balik2an sehingga masak.
- Sapukan majerin/minyak sapi apabila masak.

Stik lembu lebihan malam
1 bj Bwg Besar
Cincang Kobis, Tomato, Timun & Cili Merah
Tumbuk 2 ulas Bwg Putih, Halia, Lada Hitam

BBQ Sauce, Mayonnaise, Sos Cili

1. Panaskan 1-2 sudu minyak & tumis bahan tumbuk sehingga wangi.
Masukkan kesemua bahan2 yg lain & kacau sebentar.
2. Cairkan majerin di atas kuali leper & letakkan sekeping roti capati yg telah di masak tadi.
Sudukan inti keatas nya.
Picitkan sos & lipat seperti gambar.
Hidangkan setelah roti garing.
Beef and veg filling


  1. X prnh mlh capati....tapi mcm best jak hoo...kelak mesti cuba mlh nya...rasa mkn kebab juak lh nk.....

    1. KL banyak capati, kelak u ncarik kedey mamak. Lagi sedap dari roti canai. Aok, cam kebab lah ya.

  2. Sekarang ni famous capati lembut kat perlis, Tie daah try memang sedap bolehtak you try capati lembut dan share ramai2.

    1. Kalau boleh beli, senang lah. Along kat sini semua kena buat sendiri.

  3. I have atta flour in my pantry. Is about time to use it. Like your capati!

  4. Salam singgah....
    Saya sekeluarga memang suka makan's healthy compared to roti canai. Masa mula2 saya belajar buat capati memang menjadi tapi the second n so on tak jadi. Tapi bila saya gorengkan...terus jadi puri! Sekarang kalau nk makan capati...beli kat kedai mamak!

    1. TQ sudi singgah.
      Buat roti kena praktis. Nakkan yg lembut, kena pandai uli. Tapi takpa lah kan sebab kat sana senang kalau nak beli. Along terpaksa buat sendiri sbb kat sini takda jual.

  5. Nampak macam senang je nak buat capati kan.. Biasa beli je kalau nak makan.

    1. Memang tak susah Hazila tapi kena pandai uli supaya doh dia lembut.

  6. Assalamualaikum..Waahhh macam best gak idea gulung2 capati buh inti macam ni

  7. Those chapathi folders looks prefect and irresistible.


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