
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sup Ayam Harum Kantan

 Plenty of ginger buds cropped out in the garden so I came out with idea to add it to chicken soup.... the outcome was very pleasantly fragrant and delicious! My hubby & son enjoyed the simple dinner so much. I like using boney parts of the chicken for soup because it makes the soup tastier. Sorry my photos lately were just a quick snap and may look a bit messy.... trying to juggle my busy life at works and at home daily and not much I could do for my blog readers.... the least I can do is to keep this blog alive....

By: Roz@HomeKreation
1/2 chopped Chicken or Chicken Boney Parts
2 Potatoes - peel & cubed 
1 Carrot - cubed 
1 Onion - sliced 
Some Young Corns, Dried Mushrooms, Tomatoes
Mixed Spices - Cinnamon, Star Anise, Cardamon, Cloves
1/2 Big Onion*
2 tsp Black Pepper*
1 tsp Fennel Seeds*
2" Ginger*
2 cloves Garlic* (* blend) 
1 tsp Soup Powder
1 Ginger Bud - sliced 
1 Lemongrass - bruised 

Heat up few tbsp oil & stir-fry mixed spices, blended ingredients & soup powder until fragrant.
Add in enough water, salt, chicken, potatoes, carrot and let it boil & cook.
Lastly add in young corns, mushrooms and tomatoes and cook for few minutes.

Tengah badan kurang sedap ni, memang sesuai lah makan lauk2 sup camni.... buat pula harum wangi dengan bunga kantan & serai.... memang naik selera! Hubby & son pun kata sedap! Bunga kantan tu Along petik je dari laman depan rumah...! Biasa nya kat rumah ni sup guna bahagian isi kurang laku, so Along guna bahagian rangka... isi ayam nya pula buat goreng lebih laris.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
1/2 ekor ketulan Ayam atau pun bahagian rangka
2 bj Kentang - potong 
1 btg Karot - potong 
1 bj Bwg Besar - hiris 
Putik Jagung, Cendawan Kering, Tomato
Rempah Tumis - Kulit Kayu, Pelaga, Bg Lwg, Cengkih
1/2 bj Bwg Besar*
2 st Lada Hitam*
1 st Jintan Manis*
2" Halia*
2 ulas Bwg putih (* blend) 
1 st Rempah Sup
1 btg Bunga Kantan - hiris 
1 btg Serai - ketuk 

Panaskan sedikit minyak & tumis rempah tumis, bhn blend*, rempah sup sehingga wangi.
Masukkan air secukup nya, garam, ayam, kentang & karot & didihkan sehingga masak empuk.
Masukkan putik jagung, cendawan & tomato dan masak beberapa minit.


  1. aishhhh..menggoda sungguh sup Along ni..lg2 aroma bunga kantan..mcm dah terbau-bau dah kat sini..

    1. hehe ya ke... kalau dekat Along dah jemput Faa mkn sekali.

  2. Very flavourful dish..Who can resist to it.

  3. owh.. sup ayam kantan.. nak buat hari ni gak.. sbb ada bahan..

    1. Buat nanti jangan lupa hantor semangkuk ya...hehe

  4. nyamannnnnnnn nya..maok semangkok boleh..ya lh best org ada kebun kedirik..anytime boleh petik..fresh dr kebun hoo..lain kali blh try resepi ktk tok.:-)

    1. Sik susah tanak tuk... campak jak pandey idup sendiri!

  5. macam mana nak mudah ingat antara jintan manis dan jintan putih ..yg halus jintan manis dan yg kasar jintan putih ke?Selalu terlupa bila takde label.Pernah terdengar utk masakan ikan guna jintan halus dan jika aym/daging ke?Along, tadi buat banana caramel lagi :)

    1. Jintan manis yg kasar warna kekuningan & jintan putih yg halus warna kehitaman sedikit. Rasa nya ikan atau ayam/daging boleh letak dua2 jenis pun takpa tapi bergantung pada resepi masakan apa.


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