
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sayur Lemak Umbut Kelapa Sawit

Palm shoot is very commonly sold in daily market in Miri, Sarawak especially served during local wedding occasions or other gatherings. I rarely cooked it myself but I like the simple and crunchy taste and usually the menu that I picked up when patronizing the local restaurants.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
1 pack Palm Shoot (sold at RM2) 
1 Red Chili*
3 Shallots*
1 handful Ikan Bilis / Anchovies (* pounded) 
1 bowl of Coconut Milk

1. Boil sliced palm shoot until tender & drain.
2. Place in a pot with rest of ingredients and boil.
3. Serve with white rice.

Sebelum berhijrah ke Miri, Along tak pernah makan umbut Kelapa Sawit sewaktu di Semenanjung tetapi kat Miri, sayur ni amat biasa di jual di pasar tani & supermarket dan dihidangkan di setiap restoren Melayu di sini. Juga adalah menu yang biasa nya di hidangkan sewaktu khenduri kahwin dan lain2 khenduri di sini.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
1 bungkus Umbut Kelapa Sawit (di jual dgn harga RM2)

1 bj Cili Merah*
3 ulas Bwg Merah*
1 genggam Ikan Bilis* (* di tumbuk) 
1 mangkuk Santan

1. Rebus hirisan umbut sawit sehingga empuk (ia nya tetap rangup) & tapis.
2. Masukkan ke dlm periuk bersama2 dgn bhn2 yg lain & masak sehingga mendidih.
3. Hidangkan dgn nasi putih.

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