
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Chocolate & Butterscotch Bread Pudding (Bingka Roti Coklat & Butterscotch)

 Delicious bread pudding with layers of chocolate chips and butterscotch sauce. The idea suddenly sprung in while thinking about bread pudding and at same time wanted to clear some caramel sauce and chocolate chips that I had. What I love so much about making bread pudding that it requires no accurate measurements. I did not add any sugar to it as the caramel sauce compliments it well but if you are a sweet tooth you may want to do so.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Yield: 8"x5"
500ml Milk
3 Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
5-6 pieces White Bread Slices*
5-6 pieces Buttrescoth Bread Slices* (* cubed) 
Caramel/Butterscotch Sauce
Bittersweet Chocolate Chips

1. Mix milk, eggs and VE lightly with hand whisk.
Add in cubed bread, mix well and use less/more bread as necessary as to not too watery or too dry.
Soak for 10 minutes.
2. Grease tin and pour half of the bread mixture.
Sprinkle chocolate chips and caramel sauce generously.
Cover with remaining bread mixture and repeat with chocolate chips and caramel sauce.
3. Bake at 180C for 1 hour until top is brown.
4. Serve with caramel and chocolate sauce.

1/2 cup Condensed Milk
2 tbsp Butter
2 tbsp Milk
- Stir on small fire until smooth.

Ready to bake

Wow, sedap nya Bingka Roti yg Along buat kali ni.... ada lapisan coklat dan di maniskan dgn sos karamel. Along tetiba dapat idea nak buat ni sebab nak habiskan sos karamel dlm petisejuk & coklat cip berlambak2 di beli oleh AlongRiz.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Yield: 8"x5"
500ml Susu
3 bj Telur
1 st Esen Vanilla
5-6 keping Roti Putih*
5-6 keping Roti Buttrescoth* (* potong kiub) 
Sos Karamel/Butterscotch
Bittersweet Coklat Cip

1. Sebatikan susu, telur, EV dgn pemukul tangan.
Masukkan roti, agak2 jangan terlalu kering atau berair.
Biarkan rendam selama 10 minit.
2. Minyakkan tin & masukkan separuh dari adunan.
Tabur coklat cip & sos karamel.
Tutupi dgn baki adunan tadi & tabur coklat cip & sos karamel lagi
3. Bakar 180C selama sejam sehingga perang permukaan nya.
4. Hidangkan dgm sos karamel & sos coklat.

1/2 cwn Susu Pekat
2 sb Butter
2 sb Susu Cair
- kacau atas api kecil sehingga sebati.



  1. Beautifully done, who can resist to this wonderful and terrific pudding.

  2. yummy nyer!

    slmt hari raya along cyg :)

  3. puding roti mmg feveret saya tp belum pernah try lagi dengan butterscotch, tq along for sharing this awesome recipe.

  4. Ms bakar 2 pki api ats bwh ke cm ne yunk..


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