
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Ban Mian / Mee Hoon Kueh

I learned about Ban Mian (in Hakka) or Mee Hoon Kueh (in Hokkien) while watching AFC (Asian Food Channel). The way it was described sounded so delicious and raised my curiosity. Anyway, it does not look too difficult to make... so I decided to give it a try.

I'm so glad that I tried - experiencing something new.... the noodles is nicely cooked  and slightly chewy, perfect to my liking. Its uneven shape makes it interesting. The anchovies soup was tasty and matched perfectly with Ban Mian, half-cooked poached egg and crispy fried anchovies. Hubby said the noodles taste like Wonton....

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Sourced: 3HungryTummies (Orig by CookingCrave)
Serve: 3-4 persons
250g Plain Flour
1 Egg
1 tbs Cooking Oil
100ml Water

A pinch Salt

1. METHOD I (using bread machine):
Place all ingredients into a breadmaker and process into dough.
After the 30 min dough cycle is completed, let it rest in the breadmaker for about 1 hour.
2. METHOD II (manual): 
Mix water with salt, egg and oil until well mixed.
In a large mixing bowl, add the water mixture to the flour and mix into a dough. Knead the dough for about 5 minutes, until the dough springs back a little when pressed with a fingertip.
Shape the dough into a ball, cover with a clean damp towel or cling film and leave to rest for 1 hour.
3. Divide into 4 balls of dough (one ball for one serving).

This is my own version of anchovies soup. It is slow cooked to ensure the good anchovies taste will nicely flavour the soup. Another advantage of slow cook, it is ready first thing in the morning when you wake up. You can serve with Ban Mian or Long-Life Noodles.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
1/2 cup Dried Anchovies/Ikan Bilis
3 cloves Garlic
1" Ginger
1 cup Soaked Mushrooms
1.5liter Water

1. Pound garlic and ginger.
Add in anchovies and pound coarsely.
2. Heat up few tbsp oil & stir-fry pounded ingredients until fragrant and golden.
Add in water and salt, slow cook overnight.

I cook the Ban Mian one individual portion each time to ensure the noodles are perfectly cook, which is not too soft nor undercooked.

1. In a small pan, boil one bowl of anchovies soup.
2. Flatten one ball of Ban Mian dough in between your palm or using rolling pin.
3. Tear the dough into small thin pieces and drop it into the boiling soup.
Repeat pulling and tearing the dough until one ball is used up.
When the noodles are almost cooked, break one egg into it.
When the noodles is cooked, add in vegetables.
Top with fried anchovies, fried shallot, chopped spring onion and chili oil.

Along baru je kenal dengan Ban Mian.... pertama kali terlihat di AFC channel, terus jer teringin dan terpaksa lah buat sendiri sebab yang sudah siap di masak semua nya tak halal. Ini makanan orang2 Cina Hakka dan Hokkien dan kebiasaan nya di hidangkan dgn sup ikan bilis.

Berbaloi percubaan ni... mee yg bentuk tak menentu ni sedap sangat.... kenyal2 macam pasta.... hubby kata rasa cam wantan, cuma wantan ada inti. Bila Along cakap kat Liana ni sup pasta, dia pun makan banyak sbb dia mmg suka sgt makan pasta.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Sourced: 3HungryTummies (Orig by CookingCrave)
Alihbahasa ke BM oleh HomeKreation
Saiz hidangan: 3-4 orang
250g Tepung Gandum
1 bj Telur
1 sb Minyak Masak
100ml Air

Secubit Garam

1. CARA I (guna bread machine):
Letakkan kesemua bahan2 ke dlm breadmaker dan proses sehingga menjadi doh.
Selepas 30 min apabila proses selesai, rihatkan doh selama 1 jam di dlm BM.
2. METHOD II (uli tangan): 
Campurkan air, garam, telur & minyak.
Tuangkan ke dlm tepung & uli selama 5 min sehingga kental.
Tutup dgn kain lembab atau palstik dan rihatkan selama sejam.
3. Bahagikan doh kepada 4 bebola (setiap sebiji untuk hidangan seorang).

Ini cara Along buat Sup Ikan Bilis. Rasa nya lebih enak & berperisa tanpa bahan2 perasa apabila memasak menggunakan periuk slow-cooker. Bila bangun pagi, sup pun sudah siap sedia dgn membiarkan nya masak semalaman. Sup ni sesuai di hidangkan dgn Ban Mian dan juga Mee Sua.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
1/2 cwn Ikan Bilis
3 ulas Bwg Putih
1" Halia
1 cwn Cendawan Shitake Kering yg telah di rendam
1.5liter Air

1. Tumbuk bwg putih & halia.
Masukkan ikan bilis dan di tumbur kasar.
2. Panaskan beberapa sudu minyak dan tumis bhn2 yg di tumbuk tadi sehingga wangi & garing.
Masukkan air & masak dgn periuk slow cooker semalaman.

Along masak Ban Mian tidak sekali gus tapi satu portion setiap kali supaya mee Ban Mian akan masak sempurna atau tidak juga terlalu masak.

1. Didihkan semangkuk Sup Ikan bilis dlm periuk kecil.
2. Penyekkan seketul doh dgn tapak tangan atau dgn penggelek.
3. Tarik nipis di tepi nya, koyakkan dan campakkan ke dlm sup yg mendidih.
Buat sehingga habis seketul doh.
Apabila mee hampir masak, pecahkan sebiji telur ke dlm nya.
Apabila mee telah masak, masukkan sayur.
Hidangkan segera dgn ikan bilis goreng, bwg goreng, daun bwg dan cili oil.


  1. Assalamualaikum along.. Yummm.. Yumm.. Copy dl resepi. Terguda bila tgk kat fb td. Hope mood rajin dtg nnti.. Here

  2. along..kalau rase mcm wantan..boleh ajer kan..buat nipis2 dan letak inti dlm tu..nak try!

  3. Assalam along. Sya pun tgk AFC tu. Mmg nmpk sedap n tringin nk wat. Naseb baek along share kat sini. Makasih byk along atas usaha dptkn resepi ni. Sya copy ye. Tq

  4. mmg info baru...doh tu dicarik2 je ye....mesti sedap suka sup ikan bilis

  5. Sedapnyaaa.... nk cuba buatlah untuk berbuka puasa hari ni.... thanks Along

  6. Salam kekawan semua. TQ sudi singgah. Senang2 cuba lah ya. Sedap rupa nya makanan org Hakka/Hokkien ni.


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