
Friday, June 6, 2014

Tartlet Filling I - Durian Cheesetart

 Hello everyone.... here I am showing off my cute tartlets which have long gone into the people's stomach... They are so cute and easily chomped just by one (if you have big mouth like my hubby's) or two  (like in my case) bites....LOL!

 The durian filling is my hubby's idea.... we always have stock of durian in the freezer all year round, so it was not a problem to fulfill the request. I couldn't find any interesting durian-filled tartlets in the internet so decided to create something on my own. My imagination went wild again and thinking of creamy durian flesh hidden underneath of cream-cheese filling.... I didn't want to use raw durian worrying fermentation effect after an overnight in the fridge so here what I came up with.... I am so satisfied with it especially watching the expression from my hubby's and CikTie's.... there was ummmmph & ahhhhh sound along the bites.....hahahaaa....

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Ready-Baked Tartlet Pastry - see here for recipe 
250g Cream Cheese
1/4 cup / 50g Caster Sugar
1 Egg
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
80g Durian Flesh
3 tbsp Evaporated Milk
1 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Custard Flour

1. Prepare durian filling.
Mix all ingredients in a small pot and stir above small fire until thickened.
2. Beat cream cheese with sugar until soft & smooth.
Add in egg & beat until well mixed.
3. Spoon 1 tsp of durian filling into the pre-baked tartlet pastry.
Pipe cream cheese filling on top.
4. Mix few drop of color to 1 tbsp of cream cheese and use it to draw swirled pattern.
5. Bake at 170C for 5-10 minutes until the surface is firmed to touch.
6. Cool at room temperature and serve chilled.

Pre-baked tartlet cases, recipe is here
1 tea-spoonful of durian filling

Ready for baking
 Along dah poskan resepi tartlet pastry kat sini sebelum ni, ini nak share resepi inti nya pula.... Apa2 pun yang Along buat, kena tanya si tukang makan... samada orang dalam rumah ni atau pun kekawan sebab Along ni cuma si tukang buat, makan nya seciput jer....hehe. Hubby cakap dia nak inti durian... tulah sebab nya Along buat ni. Along cari kat internet kot2 ada tart inti durian tapi tak jumpa yang berkenan.... so buat ikut naluri sendiri.... terbayang inti isi durian yang lembut berkrim tersorok di bawah cheesetart.... mmmmm.... memang sedap banget sampai pejam2 mata hubby & CikTie kita....hehe

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Tartlet Pastry yg sudah siap di bakar - resipi ada di sini
250g Cream Cheese
1/4 cwn / 50g Gula Kastor
1 bj Telur
1 tsp Esen Vanilla
80g Isi Durian
3 sb Susu Cair Sejat
1 sb Gula
1 st Tepung Kastad

1. Sediakan inti durian dahulu.
Masukkan kesemua bahan2 inti ke dlm periuk kecil & masak dgn api kecil sehingga pekat.
(Inti durian di masak supaya tidak menapai & masam selepas simpan semalaman. Jangan di masak terlalu lama nanti liat tak sedap)
2. Pukul cream cheese & gula sehingga lembut.
Masukkan telur & pukul sehingga sebati.
3. Sudukan sedikit inti durian ke dalam tartlet pastry.
Paipkan adunan cream cheese di atas nya.
4. Campurkan sedikit pewarna ke dlm 1 sb bancuhan cream cheese.
Lorekkan corak ke atas cheesetart.
5. Bakar pada suhu 170C selama 5-10 minit sehingga permukaan nya kering& tidak melekat apabila di sentuh.
6. Sejukkan pada suhu bilik dahulu sebelum di sejukkan dalam petisejuk.


  1. wahh along.. memang nampak sedap sgt tu... kita pun ada durian frozen juga.. bila2 rajin boleh cuba... TQ along kongsi resepi..

    1. Pakai sikit jer durian tu dah cukup Madiha... boleh lah buat nanti :)

  2. Omg omg yum yum terus pengsan hehe.Must try your recipe ni Along.

  3. lemak berkrim ni...Wangi durian lagi...mesti best sgt ni

    1. Gandingan cheese & durian yg lembut mmg sedap Fazian!

  4. ooo melelehnye air liur tgk ni...isk3x


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