
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tinkerbell Pink Cake

 Hi all readers.... apology for been silence for quite a while... am having a break for a while to relax my body and mind... time to clear many overdue chores while I'm having a week break from works during Gawai Holiday. It has been a week since Liana's birthday and only now am posting the cake and recipe.... I am on Global Corporate Challenge (GCC) and hence I need to be on move all the time in order to strike 10,000 step everyday for 100 days. Sitting down behind the computer too long is no longer a choice for now.... Anyway, I have striked over 13,000 steps today and can afford to enjoy late supper and am stealing sometime tonight to do this update while waiting for the food to be digested before bedtime... hehe!

 Liana made a request for her birthday cake months ago that she wanted a Tinkerbell cake with leafy gown. We just returned from our long distance trip which was few days before her birthday. I had time only on her birthday itself to look for a Tinkerbell doll but to no success and instead found the tiny ones. So I had to modify an ordinary doll into a Tinkerbell by replacing her hair with yellow fondant.... As for the cake, it was an easy choice as Liana always like pink cake. So I made a four-tone pink cake and happy with the outcome.

I used my favourite White Butter Cake and color it pink. The outcome is very nice lovely pink.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
225g Butter
350g Sugar
150g Egg Whites
430g Plain Flour*
1½ tbs Baking Powder* (*sifted together) 
300ml Fresh Milk
1. Cream butter & sugar until white & fluffy.

Add in egg whites bit by bit while beating.
Add in flour* & milk alternately until well mixed.
2. Prepare 3 diffrent sizes of round tin: 8", two 5", 3" muffin.
3. Divide cake mixture into four portion suitable for the different sizes.
Color them into four different tones of pink by adjusting amount of color liquid.
4. Bake at 170C for 30 minutes or until cooked.
Cool on rack before slicing and topping.
5. Use the 8" round as a base platform. Cover with fondant.
Stack the remaining three cakes, layer with whipped cream and slice into gown shape.
Decorate as illustrated below.
Click to enlarge step-by-step view

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kekawan semua dan para pembaca yang di kasihi. Ini entri terlewat sebab nak berihat sebentar... tambahan pula musim cuti umum Gawai ni, banyak kerja2 yang perlu di dahulukan. Walau bagaimana pun, Along tetap akan kembali ke udara apabila masa mengizinkan.

Kek harijadi Liana pada tahun ni, mama dia buat sendiri atas permintaan Liana yg mahukan kek Tinkerbell. Patung Tinkerbell tak jumpa pun dah cari merata2, so mama dia pandai2 ler modify sendiri.... Along botakkan patung yg biasa tu dan buat rambut & sanggul Tinkerbell menggunakan fondant... kendian letak patung2 Tinkerbell yg cenoni jer tu.... bukan main gembira lagi Liana terjerit2 riang tak sabar nak potong kek dia...

 Ada sedikit kesilapan pada teknik... Lainkali kena guna buttercream untuk salut di bawah fondant tu. Along guna whipped cream dan ia kurang stabil... skirt daun tinkerbell tu berat sebab di buat dari fondant so dia melurut ke bawah... kena lah Along patch up semula dgn meletak bunga di tengah2 nya... tu yang jadi comot pula sedikit.

Kek di dalam nya pula, Along guna White Butter Cake sebab senang untuk di warnakan dan cantik. Along guna empat tone warna pink supaya nampak lebih ceria dan menyelerakan sebab Liana memang suka kek warna pink.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
225g Mentega
350g Gula
150g Telur Putih 
430g Tepung Gandum*
2 sb Serbuk Koko*
1½ sb Baking Powder* (*ayak/campur)
300ml Susu Segar
1. Pukul mentega & gula sehingga kembang.
Masukkan telur putih sedikit2 sambil di pukul.
Masukkan tepung* dan susu berselang-seli sehingga sebati.
2. Sediakan tin bulat saiz 8", dua 5", 3" muffin.
3. Bahagikan adunan kpd empat bahagian mengikut saiz acuan.
Warnakan setiap satu dgn warna pink berlainan tone dgn menggunakan sukatan pewarna yg berbeda.
4. Bakar 170C selama 30 minit atau sehingga masak.
Sejukkan di atas radar sebelum di hiaskan.
5. Gunakan lapisan paling besar 8" sebagai platform. Tutupi dgn lapisan fondant.
Susun dan lapiskan tiga ketul baki kek menggunkan whipped cream.
Hiris & bentukkan seperti gown.
Hiaskan dengan fondant seperti gambarajah.


  1. cantik....sib baik anak sy tak mintak..kalau tak mmg jadi bidan terjun la buatnya

    1. Ini pun bidan terjun gak ni....hehee... kekadang bila last minute camni idea tetiba jer tau nak buat camna....


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