
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Lepat Pisang (Steamed Banana Rolls)

 A healthy Malay traditional kuih, delicious for breakfast or with tea anytime! Coincidentally, I had some leftover banana leaves after making Tapai.... and also some ripe bananas sitting in the basket smiling at me... so immediately this kuih crossed my mind. It is so easy to make that I can afford making it while doing multiple other tasks... watching The Voice on Astro tv.... cooking Chili Oil (which took few hours).... chatting with a couple of friends.... and making this kuih!

 There is no need for an accurate recipes but I written down some measurement as a guide:

By: Roz@HomeKreation
5-6 medium size Bananas - mashed
5-6 tbsp Flour
2 tbsp Sugar (optional) 
1/2 cup Grated Fresh Coconut*
1 tbsp Sugar*
A pinch Salt* (* mix)
Banana Leaves - cut to square & soften on open fire 

1. Mix well mashed bananas, flour & sugar.
2. Spread a tbsp of mixture on a piece of banana leaf.
Spread on coconut mixture on top of it as shown in photo below.
3. Fold the banana leaf and roll into a cylinder shape and fold both ends at the bottom as shown below.
4. Steam for 30 minutes.

Wrapping method

Enjoying my breakfast in the office....
Dah lama tak makan kuih lepat ni.... kuih lama2 camni sedap dan tak risau pasal kolestrol. Kebetulan ada lebihan daun pisang malam tu... ada pulak pisang yg dok terpongeh takda org nak makan... elok gak di buat lepat dapat bawa bekal utk sarapan ke pejabat esuk hari nya.

Resepi orang dulu2 camni tak payah nak resepi sukat teruk2... agak2 jer pun jadi sedap.... kat bawah ni Along kasi sukatan buat panduan.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
5-6 Pisang - di lecek
5-6 sb Tepung Gandum
2 sb Gula (boleh skip jika pisang manis) 
1/2 cwn kelapa Parut*
1 sb Gula*
Secubit Garam* (* gaul)
Daun Pisang - potong 4 persegi & di layur sebentar atas api 

1. Campur sebati pisang lecek, tepung & gula.
2. Ratakan sesudu ke atas sekeping daun pisang .
Ratakan pula di atas nya sesudu campuran kelapa parut* spt foto di atas.
3. Lipat dua daun pisang, gulung & lipat kedua2 hujung ke bawah spt foto di atas.
4. Kukus selama 30 minit sehingga masak.

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