
Monday, March 23, 2015

Chocolate Cake with Caramel Topping (Kek Coklat Puding Karamel)

Dear all my lovely friends and readers.... it has been almost 4 months break and now am backed but not sure how lasting it can be. Initially I planned for only a short break to settle into a new job and relocating to KL. Unfortunately it was far more complicated than I thought... not only trying to get use to the new way of life and works but my pc was crashed and at same time this blog was hijacked - I lost all my unsaved photos and files... it was very miserable experience! Slowly I pulled myself together with my husband supporting me strong from the back to ensure we get the new house ready and our things sorted as soon as possible whilst I stayed focus on the new challenging job.... without him I could have given up on everything....

This entry is to test whether the blog has fully recovered and let's pray it is. As a start, let's get sweetened by this lovely dessert cake.... I made this to bring to my sister's house for dinner. The cake is extremely moist and perfect combination with soft caramelized pudding!

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Syapex
English translation by HomeKreation
Size: 8" square
4 tbsp Sugar - for caramel
4 Eggs
400ml Evaporated Milk
2 tbsp Sugar
2 tbsp Condensed Milk
2 tbsp Custard Flour
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
1. Heat up 4 tbsp sugar in the baking tin until golden and spread evenly.
Keep aside & let it harden.
2. Mix rest of ingredients & stir gently without generating any air bubbles.
Strain onto the caramel layer & bake 150C in water bath for 20-25 minutes until set.
3/4 cup Gula Pasir*
1 cup Cocoa Powder*
1 cup Milk*
1 cup Condensed Milk*
1 cup Oil*
1 tsp Nescafe (optional)
3/4 cup Flour**
1 tsp Soda Bic**
1 TSP Baking Powder** (** sifted)
4 Eggs - lightly beaten

3.  Prepare cake mixture while pudding is being baked.
Mix ingredients* with slow fire until sugar is dissolved.
4. Let it cool slightly and add in ingredients** alternately with eggs using spatula.
Pour onto pudding layer.
5. Bake at 150C in water bath for 1 hr 20min.

Assalamualaikum para pembaca yang di hormati. Seteleah sekian lama, hampir 4 bulan blog HomeKreation terpaksa di tunda kerana Along dalam proses perpindahan dari Miri ke KL setelah 25 tahun hidup di perantauan. Bukan mudah untuk berpindah dan menyesuaikan diri di tempat baru dan masalah yg bertimpa-timpa termasuklah masalah spamware dan pc hard disk yg punah terus. Alhamdulillah nampak nya harini blog HomeKreation dah pulih walau pun masih ada sedikit masalah teknikal.

Amat rindu untuk berblogging semula, meh tengok dessert yg sedap ni.... Along copy resipi nya dari blog Syapex... tq ya dik. Makan ramai2 memang best.....

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: Syapex
Resipi di ubah suai sedikit dan ditaip semula utk mudah rujuk sendiri
Saiz: 8" persegi
4 sb Gula Pasir - utk karamel
4 bj Telur
400ml Susu Cair
2 sb Gula Pasir
2 sb Susu Pekat
2 sb Tepung kastad
1 st Esen Vanilla

1. Panaskan 4 sb gula di dlm loyang sehingga cair & perang.
Gerakkan loyang supaya karamel sekata pada setiap permukaan, biarkan keras & ketepikan.
2. Campur kesemua bahan2 lain dan kacau dengan perlahan, jangan sampai berbuih. Tapis ke dalam lapisan karamel tadi.

Letak loyang ke dlm talam yg berisi air panas (water bath) & bakar selama 20-25 minit, 150C sehingga puding beku.

3/4 cwn Gula Pasir*
1 cwn Serbuk Koko*
1 cwn Susu Cair*
1 cwn Susu Pekat*
1 cwn Minyak*
1 sk Nescafe (optional)
3/4 cwn Tepung Gandum**
1 sk Soda Bic**
1 sk Baking Powder** (** ayak sekali)
4 bj Telur - kocok

3.  Sementara puding masak, buat adunan kek.
Satukan bahan2 bertanda * dan masak dgn api perlahan sehingga gula larut.
Rehatkan sekejap bila dah sebati
4. Masukkan bahan2 bertanda ** berselang seli dgn telur dan gaul dgn senduk aje.
Bila dah sebati, tuang adunan kek atas adunan puding yang dah beku tadi.

5. Sambung masak selama 1 jam 20 minit dalam water bath sehingga kek masak pada suhu 150c.


  1. Salam along, lama makcik tak singgah.....

    Dah copy resepi...insyallah (bila??) nak cuba nanti :))


    1. Wsalam Makcik. Along pon baru online semula. Best resipi ni, jgn lupa cuba tau.

  2. Alhamdulillah Along. Risau juga sy lama tk dgr khabar berita..

    1. Terima-kasih. Along sihat cuma tergendala siaran, alhamdulillah blog dapat di pulihkan.

  3. Salam....beberapa kali nak buka blog ini tapi tak dapat...ingat along dah tutup atau privatekan.

    Nampak resepi ini sangat-sangat mengoda.

    1. Wsalam. Siaran tergendala sebab masalah spamware. Skrg dah pulih, alhamdulillah.

  4. Hello Roz,
    I was wondering what had happened to you! You suddenly disappeared from Blogging. Very sorry to hear about you losing all your tried and tested recipes,so that's why I couldn't access a few of your recipes that I had bookmarked. So heartbreaking for you. I even sent you a msg via your Facebook page.
    I hope you and your family have started settling down in K.L. I know its very very different from your previous posting.
    Wish you all the best in your new job ,and thanks for still taking the trouble to share another lovely recipe.
    Regards, Mrs Singh, Ipoh

    1. Hello Mrs Singh. TQ for your kind note. Oh, I hope not to miss your message, will check it out in FB. Many thanks for your support.

  5. Assalam Kak Roz

    Patut la lama menyepi..Bila saya buka blog dia jadi private.sedih sebab tak dapat follow dah blog Along. tapi harini entah macamana baru boleh . Alhamdulillah baru dapat balik follow dan baru tahu Along dah pindah KL..syukur saya dapat follow blog ni semula. Semoga tabah dengan dugaan dan selamat menjalani kehidupan baru di KL(terlambat)

    Silent reader

    1. Wsalam. Dulu ada masalah teknikal kena spam terpaksa tutup sementara di perbaiki. Tkasih atas sokongan anda!


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