
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Suasana Hari Raya Qurban di Kampung 2015

Since I got married in the last 25 years, this is my first Idh Adha celebration with my mother and siblings in my hometown as far as I can recall..... the reasons were because Idh Adha public holiday was only one day and always coincided with our peak work period in the past years while children had no school term break. Staying in the East Malaysia was just not possible to fly back with whole family for one day only.

In my hometown, Idh Adha is celebrated as bigger occasion than Idh Fitri. We had three days consecutively of family gathering with very busy activities and of course 'big makan-makan'. My mother is the planner and the leader in deciding what activities, the menu, the guests, etcs. Syukur at age of 75 she is still healthy to do most of the cooking with help of all of us. I will share some of my mother's delicious cooking in here. I will never able to beat my mother's cooking... really finger-licking good.

1.a Emak's Best Ever Black Rendang

1.b Emak's Delicious Chicken Rendang Pedas Kunyit

1.c Emak's Nasi Minyak
- Made with 5kg of rice, enough to feed all the children, grandchildren and great-grand children

1.d Nothing-Better-Than Emak's Pineapple Pachrey

1.e Dalca Campur

1.f AlongRoz's Crispy Veg Acar

1.g Lemang

1.h Nasi Himpit
- to go with Sayur lodeh & Sambal Ikan Bilis; or with Peanut Sauce; or with Rendang.... choice is individual's

1.i Mak Lang's Every-Year-Must-Have Peanut Sauce

1.j Sayur Lodeh and Sambal Ikan Bilis

1.k AlongRoz's Agar-Agar Pandan

 On Day 2 Idh Adha, we slaughtered three goats for distribution to neighbors and the needies. One goat was for our own consumption which was cooked in special Korma recipe by my AbangNdak. The Lamb Korma was super delicious as the meat was very fresh. We enjoyed it very much that I forgot to snap any photo on day two....

My niece cooked special Chicken Feet Noodle Soup to serve the hardworking men and women who did all the necessary activities like slaughtering, meat cutting, packing and delivering. This is her specialty with very tasty and nice spice aroma...

 All the family members, some relatives and friends gathered at my mother's house right after Subuh. It was the big day of the Idh as two cows were about to be sacrificed. It was a very busy day from early morning.... preparing breakfast, setting up the slaughtering area in the next door empty land and getting the equipment ready. There were more than 70 of us with lots of noises but so much fun and good feeling of togetherness.

The empty land was well prepared with tents for various purposes.... me and my niece had our fun cooking corner with freshly prepared lattice crepe and Roti Puri in addition to other ready prepared food. Other tents were for eating and working areas.

Breakfast Menu:
1.a Fried Rice
1.b Spaghetti Bolognaise
1.c Bingka Kastad
1.d Lattice Crepe
1.e Roti Puri
1.f Chicken Curry

Lunch Menu:
2.a CikNor's Special Beef Rice
2.b Air Asam (Special sauce for the rice)
2.c Cik Mah's Young Jackfruit Green Curry
2.d Fried Turmeric Beef
2.e OpahYam's Lime Acar
2.f Oni's Beef Bone Soup
2.g AlongRoz's Peparu Goreng Berempah
2.h Lime Asamboi Juice

Overall we had loads of fun.... alhamdulillah siratulrahim yang erat sesama keluarga dan sahabat-handai.

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