
Saturday, August 13, 2016

Nestum Cake (Kek Nestum)

 Hello.... helloooo.... hello all HomeKreation readers! It has been a long time since my last appearance.... yeah, 9 months of silence.... trying to adjust to my new life in the new place and with a lot greater responsibility than ever.... Too many things to do with too little capacity but slowly getting there!

I'm going away soon.... far away from this place for a long duration.... a destination that I've been dreaming for a long time.... a place far away from normal life.... somewhere crowded but hopefully peaceful.... So I thought tonight I want to share one great recipe just to break the silence before I disappear to the peaceful land.....

A guest is coming tomorrow morning to do us a favour.... guiding us to ensure our journey to the peaceful land is fruitful. So I bake this cake specially for the guest and very please with the outcome. It is crumbly and soft with nice nestum aroma. We had it hot from the oven with crispy crust.... my hubby had four pieces on the first attack....LOL.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: link
Modified the method slightly
Size: 8" square
250g Butter
140g Caster Sugar
1 tbap Honey
3 Eggs
220g Self-Raising Flour*
1/2 tbsp Baking Powder*
60g Nestum Cereal* (* mix)
150ml Fesh Milk
1. Beat butter, sugar and honey until light and fluffy.
2. Add in eggs one at a time beating well after each addition.
3. Add in flour* mixture gradually, alternately with milk; until combined.
4. Pour into lined and greased tin.

5. Bake in preheated oven 180C for 45 minutes.

Assalamualiakum semua.... lama nya tak buka blog ni.... bukan tak mau tapi takda kesempatan dan kemudahan semenjak berpindah ke kampong ni. Dah Sembilan bulan Along menyepi... maaf lah semua ya....

Malam ni bila buat kek ni tetiba Allah bukakan hati untuk berkongsi di blog.... untuk memecah kesunyian blog yg terpinggir begitu lama. Lagi pun tak lama lagi Along nak berangkat jauh, sebelum tu nak kongsikan resipi yg sedap ni dgn semua. Terima-kasih buat tuan empunya resipi dan blog Matahari yang berkongsi resipi ini.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: link
Along ubah cara2 nya sedikit spt di bawah
Saiz: 8" persegi
250g Butter
140g Gula Kastor
1 sb Madu
3 bj Telur
220g Tepung Naik Sendiri*
1/2 sb Baking Powder*
60g Nestum Cereal* (* gaulkan)
150ml Susu Segar

1. Pukul mentega, gula & madu sehingga putih.
2. Masukkan telur satu-persatu sambil di pukul sebati.
3. Gaulkan campuran tepung & nestum* sedikit2 dan di selang-seli dgn susu; sehingga sebati.
4. Tuang ke dlm tin yg di lapik kertas & di gris.
5. Bakar 180C selama 45 minit atau sehingga masak.


  1. Salam, lama kak long menyepi dari dunia blogging...
    Kak long nak pergi menunaikan iabadah Haji ker...semoga dipermudahkan semua urusan,selamat pergi dan kembali.

    1. Wsalam. Insyaallah dik... maceh doakan... aamiin...

  2. yarabi kitak kak Long..kamek ningas kitak lamak sik berblogging & berfb. Anwyay, am so happy for you. Semoga mendapat haji yang mabrur dan segala urusan dipermudahkan Allah swt hendaknya. Aamin. Doakan utk kamek juak. :)

  3. Welcome Back to blogging kak. Selamat menunaikan ibadah Haji..opss ..semoga dipermudahkan segalanya dan mendapat haji yang mabrur

  4. Assalamualaikum wbt. Lama sy tak ke sini. Kali terakhir bc blog akk thn 2014 tak silap. Tak sangka akk antara blogger yg masih bertahan dan berkongsi resipi sehingga kini. Sy doakan akk maju jaya. Terima kasih atas resipi. Moga Allah merahmati usaha akk. Till then, kiss utk Liyana. Mesti dah besar kan. 😍

  5. salam,boleh ke tukar kan susu segar dgn susu tepung atau tak payah letak sisu segar pun x pe kan..?

    1. Wsalam. Sorry ya lambat jawab. Kena letak cecair kalau tak tekstur kek tak sama lah macam resipi. Kalau nak letak susu tepung bancuh dgn air sehingga sukatan 150ml.

  6. Hello ...This is a very nice recipe.but the problem with my nestum cake is just that the bottom is a bit dense, nevertheless it is still very nice..I have tried another nestum recipe n encounters the same problem...Am using microwave convection oven..Where have I gone wrong..No problems with other cakes..Please advise...tq

    1. Hi. Not sure what gone wrong. Make sure nestum is mixed with flour evenly before adding into butter mixture. Mix with spatula folding method so that it is not overmix. Hope it works.

  7. Thanks a lot..I will try ...Tho might suspect is my convection oven's distribution of heat...


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