
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Fruity Yogurt Cake ( Kek Yogurt Buah )

I made something nice yesterday and so happened I have little spare time today plus am in the right mood for blogging. UsuRaz has been nagging me for this cake for the last one week... both him and the father always craving for something sweet after dinner meals and if I do not entertained them, they will find an alternative from the supermarket.... something I don't encourage the family to do so!

So here is the recipe to share with all readers. The cake is buttery with nice creamy texture from the yogurt... so soft and moist that melt in mouth despite no baking powder in the recipe. Usually I made this plain but adding some dried fruits will give it delightful bites... choice is yours whether plain or fruity. Perhaps it is a bit sweet if you are conscious on sugar consumption, feel free to reduce.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Yields: Loaf pan 8.5" x 5"
125g Butter
1 cups Castor Sugar
(can reduce)
1 tsp Vanilla Essence
3 Eggs
1¼ cup Flour
1/3 cup Plain Yogurt
1/2 cup Dried fruits (optional)

1. Cream butter, sugar & VE until light & fluffy.
Add in egg one by one until combined.
Add in half flour & half yogurt alternately.
2. Pour into lined & greased tin.
3. Bake at 160-170C for 1¼ hr until done.

   Dah lama sangat tak timbul.... Sekali-sekala curi sedikit masa untuk berkongsi resipi... Ini Along ada satu resipi yang sedap... rasa butter dan lembut dan lembab walau pun takda campuran baking powder. Pekena dgn kopi pekat memang best ni. Campuran yogurt akan membuatkan kek lembab dan lembut ala-ala cheesecake... kek simple camni tak jemu makan berulang-ulang.

Jom tengok resipi yg mudah ni.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Hasil: Tin loaf 8.5" x 5"
125g Butter
1 cwn Gula Kastor (boleh kurangkan)
1 st Esen Vanilla
3 bj Telur
cwn Tepung Gandum
cwn Plain Yogurt
cwn Buahan Kering (optional)

1. Pukul butter, gula & EV sehingga kembang & putih.

Masukkan telur satu persatu sambil di pukul.
Masukkan separuh tepung & separuh yogurt selang-seli sehingga habis.
2. Tuang ke dalam tin yg di lapik & di gris.
3. Bakar 160-170C selama 1¼ jam sehingga masak.

PERINGATAN: Jangan lupa panaskan oven selama 15 minit sebelum membakar kek.

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