
Monday, June 27, 2011

My Birthday This Year

 I'm another year older by now and beyond mid 40's..... Syukur, alhamdulillah for living healthily, successful and happy... no words to desribe my thanks and syukur to Allah Taala for the berkat. I wish that I will be blessed to live longer many years to come to serve the God and my family. My birthday fell on the recent Saturday 25th June but I was unable to share the happy moment here because the internet service was down for the whole weekend. So here is some belated story....

Lovely bouquet of Gerbera from good griend, CikA (from KL) who never failed to remember my birthday every year... thanks so much, love ya.

 A surprise birthday cake from my colleague..... Pecan Butterscotch topped with white chocolate from Secret Recipe.... I was so happy the whole weekend.... Thanks so much team for thinking of me on my birthday.
The surprise was on Friday, one day in advance and thrown away before I went home so some colleague already left for home. Picture from my handphone, so it is blur....

 My hubby never failed to buy me gift on every occassion.... this time is happy!!! The kids, including Liana is also excited about this new toy. Liana ask for iPad first thing in the morning.... "iPad, iPad, I want Panda"...LOL

Ferrero & Lindt chocolate collection from AlongRiz..... thanks my love. See Liana interprem....

Western dinner treat from hubby and also to celebrate birthday of the three June's babies - me, hubby & AngahRuz. I've ordered my favourite Wagyu Sirloin Steak served with Jamaican sauce (sauce not shown).

Also not fogetting to thank many others who sent me wishes through FB, emails, sms and in person including breakfast treat at Pakcik Wan's cafe by QR, SB & MV this morning. Love all of you.....


  1. alonggggg!!!! bila masa besday along ni???? harap tak terlambat nak wish, happy belated besday buat along moga sentiasa dlm lindunganNya insyaAllah aminnn aminnn... SONOKNyerrrrr dpt ipad2! kita nyer besday nak mintak apa yer? hihihi.... tp along tetap aweet muda tau! cayang dia! muaaahhhh! nape lina tunjuk tgn ajerrr mukanyer tunjuk lah sekali, mesti makin ayu mcm maknyer ;-)

  2. Happy Birthday to you!May all your wish comes through.

  3. happy belated birthday sis! Moga sihat dan bahagia selamanya...bestnya dpt ipad2!!! sorry for d late wish...

  4. Salam Along.Happy balated Birthday Along...semoga Allah pjg usia,murahkn rezeki & bahgia melayari rumahtangga.Amin

  5. Hi dearie...Belated Birthday wishes to you!!! Wow..25th ek? We are number 7!!! ;)

    That's load of fun...cake, bouquet, Ipad and chocs...superb!!! Wish you lots of happiness in life dear...really glad to know you...;)

  6. happy birthday along.. semoga berbahagia hendaknya disamping keluarga tercinta..

  7. Selamat menyambut ulangtahun kelahiran. Semoga panjang umur, dimurahkan reseki dan along Roz sekeluarga sentiasa dalam keberkatan Allah sentiasa.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hepi besday to you... hepi besday to you.... Hepi besday to kak AlongRoz... hepi besday to you.. Moga bertambah sehat, bahgia, gembira dan mantain cun....

  10. Aloooonggg...when is your exact birth date? Ummi miss dah ke...adeeeii? Kita same year, right? Mine is october...hehee....Btw, here wishing you a very happy birthday.....may you be blessed always! What a surprise celebration from your nice of them...muaaahhhh!

  11. Happy belated Birthday AlongRoz!!
    A year wiser and be blessed with all the rahmat and happy with your love ones..insyaallah..

    kek kat bawah tu..kita masuk list along..nampak sedap sangat

  12. Happy belated birthday K'Roz dearie.....semoga dirahmatiNya dan sentiasa happy selalu...stay young forever...muahhhh

  13. Happy belated birthday wishes, seems u guys had a wonderful birthday party..

  14. happy belated birhday along.. smga along skrga dirahmati Allah n gembira selalu.. muaaahhhh..

  15. Happy Birthday to you.. Semoga Kak Alongroz dirahmati Allah sentiasa..

  16. To All Friends,
    Thank-you for nice words and wishes....mmmmmuah2.

    Maceh semua kekawan atas ucapan & doa... happy sangat!

  17. Happy belated to you ... You must be a good person seems that your hubby and so much friends remember of your birthday & the presents too :)
    May all your wishes come true!

  18. along dearie! maaf sgt2 terlepas n3 special ni.. happy belated birthday buat along cayang yg makin slim makin cun dan sentiasa awet muda..
    semoga sentiasa dlm limpah rahmat Allah, diberikan kesihatan yg baik, bahagia disamping keluarga tercinta dan dipanjangkan umur yg berkat buat along selamanya.. aminnnn.. luv u always :)

  19. DG,
    I'm so happy & feel blessed by all good people around me. Thanks for your wishes.

    Maceh Nor, never been too late.... amin atas doa Nor.... luv ya.

  20. slmt hr lahir pnjng umur n murah rezeki :)

  21. Slmlkm Along!

    Lama kak su x masuk blog sdiri n blog rakan2.. so, Happy belated birthday to you, may Allah bless ya n leading happy life years ahead. Tk care!
    p.s: We are celebrating birthday in d same month. Mine waz on June 19th.

  22. Salam besanku yang menten ayu dan jelita.... juga menantu kiutku liana sayang.... maaf dari ujung rambut sampai ujung tapak kaki di atas kelewatan utk mengucapkan epi belated besday buat Along yg dikasihi.... epi besday eh long! mudah2an along terus maju jaya, pjg umur, murah rezeki dan idop aman bahagia bersama keluarga tercinta......

    akceli kebelakangan nih agak sibuk banyak la long... mood nak masak n update blog agak murundum teruk! ditambah pulak kesihatan yg kejap ok kejap tak ok.... ppon ingatan kiter & darwish pada Along dan Liana takkan luput dr ingatan... mmg rinduuuuuu sgt nak BW mcm dulu... huhuhu...

    jgn sedey2 eh Liana.... mamahana tgh tunggu masa agar bleh usik2 liana macam dulu! Darwish pong skrg dah lagak bujang wpon blom sunat dan blom pndai cakap! hihihihihi..

    salam rindu buat Along & Liana sekeluarga.

  23. Deliah,
    Thanks dear!!

    Wsalam. Thanks Sue & happy birthday to you too and semuga bahgia selalu.

    Wsalam. Uwaaaa..... kita nangis2 happy sebab besan kita susah2 datang walaupun sibuk. Meh peluk2 windu....mmmmuah2. Liana, cepat buat kopi kat mamahana & abang Darwish....hehe. Nanti bila2 senang datang lagi tau.... kita windu sangat.


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