
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Kes Ciplak Yg Paling Teruk...!

Blog Penciplak...

 Please help me to stop copyright infringement and unethical behaviours.....

Asyik2 cerita kes ciplak, nak tulis pun dah jemu tapi kalau berdiam diri akan timbul lagi ramai kat luar tu... nak tak nak terpaksa lah siarkan juga, tambahan dah kena batang hidung sendiri dan kes ni bukan satu atau dua entri yang di ciplak, tapi teruk sangat kes ni... itu lah sebab Along bising2 ni... Raya2 ni tak baik bising2 kan, tapi dah terpaksa ni....

Mula2 tu Along saja2 google nak tengok keluar ke tak entry Along, tengok2 mak ai... memang keluar tapi nama blog orang lain punya lak. Si polan ni memang 'hebat' betul... bukan setakat ciplak gambar ke resipi ke, tapi siap ciplak entri peribadi dan cerita-ceriti... nampak seolah-olah blog tu Along pulak yang punya, siap muka Along pun kena ciplak. Tapi bukan semua yang di ciplak dari blog Along, orang lain punya pun ada. Lagi pandai, dia siap buat dua blog dgn URL & nama timangan yang berlainan tapi sama isi...

Nampak macam dah tak aktif beberapa bulan tapi blog ni masih di pasaran Google....

Jom tolong Along kasi nasihat kat dia kat blog sini (nama dia kat sini Ify) & blog satu lagi kat sini (nama dia Lucky).

Tengok komen Along kat blog dia kat sini dan sini.

Ini antara bahan2 yang Along punya yg di ciplak kat blog yang satu ni (satu lagi blog tu tengok sendiri lah ya, sama jer & malas nak list (Below are the links of mycopyright):

Baked Sugee Kuih (Bingka Suji)
Fried Cencaluk
Black Bottom Banana Cake
Published Apology Over Ciplak Case (... yang ni pun dia nak ciplak.. nak get free publisiti lah kot....)
Pumpkin & Pumpkin Leaves Dish (Again)
Nasi Dagang Kinabalu II
Liver Serunding (Serunding Hati)
Oat Porridge (Bubur Oat)
Baked Wrapped Fish (Ikan Pais)
Custard Teacake
Pineapple Pachrey II (Pacri Nenas)
Crabs & Pineapple in Cili Padi Coconut Broth (Keta...
Tapioca Rings coated with Black Sugar (Keria Ubika...
Tempe & Kobis Masak Lemak (Fermented Soy Bean & Ca...
Mini Vegetable Omelets
Awards from Jasmine Sweetylicious (berlagak dapat award lak tapi ni pun ciplak Along punya)
Ciplak in The Borneo Post - Can We Do Something?
Speaking in International Women's Day 2011 (wah, siap muka kita pun kena ciplak, memang sah2 menyamar...isyk)
Kampung Style Chicken Curry
Cencaluk Chicken (Ayam Cencaluk)
Chocolate Banana Muffins



  1. Salam Along,ada gak perangai org camni.main copy jer.harap2 ada permohonan maaf dr 'tukang copy' tu yer.
    Seblm trlambat nk ucapkn selamat hari raya tuk Along sekluarga
    Dtg nak ambil kad raya...nanti nk gantung kat umah.terima kasih yer.

  2. dah terang2 ada cop along kt semua gmbr tu bleh plak kene ciplak mcm tu...haih...nk kene create cop jugak ni...

  3. eeeee.....seramnya bila tgk blog kengkawan kena ciplak2 gini...memang tensen kan... macam kak ummi aritu dia pi taruk je kat orang yang ciplak dia punya...

  4. Along, I know how you feel. I found out jugak one blog copied all my entries. Each and everyone of them since 2006. Complaint kat blogspot, dia orang pulak nak I copied all the URL to them one by one so they can delete it. Bukan main banyak kerja for me but I have to do it one by one. So far I can only cover 3 months of entries saja. I really HATE people like this. Kita susah susah buat posting dia orang curi curi suka suka saja.

  5. geramm kan Along, pnya laa penat kita kerja, diorang senang2 jee ciplak.. K1 lagi naya punya kes siap publish buku lagi guna nama K1 mana tak geramm..

  6. dah tengok dia copy semua..peliknya

  7. macam psycho jer pemilik blog tu.. sume n3 die copy..termasuk n3 award...aduhh.....

  8. Ini penciplak yang tak professional.... dah tahu semua gambar ada cop, masih mahu post entry kat blog tu... mungkin dia nak tarik banyak visitor, jadi mungkin dapat perhatian google atau other Internet server.. Lang setuju yang dia ni mungkin psycho sebab mengaku menghadiri seminar (dengan publishing gambar sekali) dan mengaku terima hadiah.... why not try reporting to SKMM pulak... ini dah kes copyright dan impersonating!


  9. loooor ade jugak blogger syiok sendiri cam ni...desprado semacam jerr!

  10. Salam Along.sabar ya.nampak macam stalker aje dia tu.Tup..tup kejap lagi dia copy paste gambar suami sapa-sapa dan cakap tu suami dia!Mesti ada yang tak kena dgn dia ni!

  11. I think they just use something to auto upload the blog post. One blog which also kena, wrote in her post's first paragraph that her posts kena curi, then the pirate site also got that line in. So it shows, they didn't read the post, but just some some engine to auto upload into their blog.

  12. Alamak..seram pulak la kalau sampai yg peribadi kita pun, dia mengaku dia punya... Sabar ye Along..

    Selamat hari raya Along & maaf zahir batin..

  13. macam2 kes la.. siap nak ciplak entry tak tahan tu... sabar ye along.. kena tegur dia ni perbuatan tu salah

  14. sabo dik...jangan marah bulan raya ni... tp kan, orang tu sure 'minat giler' kat along kot..yelah, kalo dh ciplak gambar tuan blog skali, maknanya org tu admirer along ler...hehehe.... (ala, mcm artis tu, kita ambik gambar kat majalah dan tepek kat bilik...hehehe)

    Jangan marah..apapun, banyakkan bersabo..akak pun gurau2 jer..nk datang makan kuih raya tak dapat :(

  15. salam along
    1st time comment kat sini
    selalu jadi SR jer
    tertarik nk share tips nk elek copycat ni
    tapi mcm susah bagi blog masakan mcm u ni
    sama ngan kes ika kena hari tu
    ai boleh advice disable right click then buat copyright untuk setiap n3...
    so org nak copy apa benda pow x boley kecuali dia rajin nak buat print screen.
    kecian penat lelah org lain curik suka haty jer

  16. Along, I believe this is a misunderstanding issues. By looking at the blog title various recipe and seeing the writer acknowledgment of your name in every recipe she/he posted I sensed that writer doesn't meant to ciplak but sharing recipe or sharing other interesting blog that she/he encountered.

    The mistake that the writer made was
    1. to do that without your permission she/he should at least leave a note at your blog that she/he gonna republished your N3
    2. the writer should at least write a few intro as where and why she/he published the N3

    May be you should clarify with the writer, look's like this is an amature blogger.

    This is how I look at the whole scenario, I will have a talk with the writer. If the blog came from a pro or any magazine then we have to fight all out. Take it positive look's like writer admired your work so much and not to forget helping promoting your blog, your nama, your logo and your recipe all over there. I see that as a sincerity coz there's no alternation or photoshop.

  17. I think what Paty said have some truths in it. The watermarks have not been deleted, and most (maybe not all) have your original links below the recipes' title. I think it's a work from an amateur and ignorant blogger, rather than the works from a conniving mind. Yeah, we all hate it when this happens to us.

    I'm no expert in laws or acts but I think somehow or other we 'online consumers' are bound to the Malaysia Cyber Laws, one of them the Copyright Act 1987.

    SECTION 36. Infringements

    (1) Copyright is infringed by any person who does, or causes any other person to do, without the license of the owner of the copyright, an act the doing of which is controlled by copyright under this Act

    (2) Copyright is infringed by by person who, without the consent or license of the owner of the copyright, imports an article into Malaysia for the purpose of

    (a) selling, letting for hire, or by way of trade, offering or exposing for sale or hire, the article;

    (b) distributing the article
    (i) for the purpose of trade; or
    (ii) for any other purpose to an extend that it will affect prejudicially the owner of the copyright; or

    (c) by way of trade, exhibiting the article in public,

    where he knows or ought reasonable to know that the making of the article was carried out without the consent or license of the owner of the copyright.

  18. salam along...wah bukan main lg dia sng2 copy gambar dgn resepi..dh ada watermark pun masih berani ye...dia ingat org x tau kot...
    nk wat mcmana pd org mcm ni ye...aduhh...

  19. Hishhh tak habis2 lagikan dengan kes ciplak ni ye Along,cian along sabar ye long

  20. bila lah semua ni nak berakhir.. sangat2 melemahkan semangat nak berblogging.. semangat yg kian hari kian pudar dah ni.. terlintas gak nak slow2 stop blogging.. one day.. insyaallah..

  21. tak tau nk cakap apa lagi along.. manusia2 yg begini mmg ada n kita tak boleh faham jenis perasaan mereka.. saya pun rasa marah bila kwn2 blogger kita spt along terkena perkara camni.. biasanya org yg boleh menggunakan manafaat internet ni cerdik pandai n berfikiran waras.. tpi tak mustahil jugak ada manusia yg cerdik pandai tu pendengki n busuk hati.. smga apa yg kita buat hari ini memberi manafaat kepada org lain dan diberkati.

  22. Emmmhhh...x habis-habis kan...mmg geram jek rasa bila kena ciplak...nak2 semua2 sekali camni...adeeeiii. Nanti nak pi bagi nasihat kat dia...Along bersabar banyak2 eh...

  23. Kekawan Semua,
    Maceh kasi sokongan, memang patut kita sokong untuk hentikan perbuatan ciplak...! Bila jadi camni ler yang buat rasa lemah nak berblogging lagi... Sebenor nya Along takda lah naik darah, tak berbaloi sakit jantung utk org sengal camni, cuma rasa terkilan yg amat sbb usaha kita di manipulasikan.... Di harap kesabaran masih dapat bertahan untuk meneruskan usaha blogging ni...

    I think you are right. When I check again, seems like auto-programmed copy bcoz same sequence & date with timing all minus 1 hour (i.e. her posting is 1 hour earlier than mine, so seems like I'm the one who ciplak hers!!)

    ☆*♥L@dy @yU♥*☆,
    Along tak buat right klick protection tu sbb kesian kat kekawan tak boleh nak copy & nak kena susah2 menaip pulak tapi nanti kita pikirkan dlm masa terdekat ni.

    KakPaty, Zack Zachoes,
    She should at least state her attention or introduce herself if she is genuine. I truely think the blog is a spam and doing copycat on purpose and what Wendy suspects indeed is true that it has been auto-programmed. Obviously not somebody of IT ignorance/naive.


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