
Monday, December 5, 2011

Baby Doughnuts (Doughnuts III)

Shaping & decorating these little doughnuts was so much fun. I made them for Liana's bento to school today. It was her 3rd day in school warming up for her real entry next year. I made three differnet shapes - doughnut / round / oval with assorted toppings and filling. She loves the pink decorated doughnuts and not other colors.
 I called them baby doughnuts because they are so tiny... see photo below, you can see that they are smaller than grade B egg! Children will love it... also suitable size for adults on diet...hehe.
Baby doughnut ni lebih kecil dari sebiji telur saiz B
 See below the bite through texture.... very soft and kept well until the next day. Suitable for early preparation for bento to school.
See the soft texture. This one is injected with wild blueberry jam.
Actually I made almost similar potato doughnuts earlier at here.

Original source: Rosmarlina@JintanManis
Copied from: Juwita (Others who tried Kak Anim, Izah, MamaHawa)
Compliment to Nor@SecubitGaram for idea replacing potato with sweet potato
Decoration idea by HomeKreation
Translated into English by HomeKreation
Makes 32 baby doughnuts
250g Plain Flour
80g Potato/Sweet Potato
- steamed & mashed
2 tbsp Milk Powder
1 Grade B
Egg - lightly beaten
90 ml Warm Water / Fresh Milk

tbsp Margarine
tbsp Sugar
4g / 1½ tsp Instant Yeast

1. Mix all & knead for 8-10 minutes.
Cover & rest until doubled-up.
2. Punch the dough & divide into small balls.

Shape it into doughnuts.
Arrange on a tray & let it rise & dobled-up.
3. Deep fry until golden in color.

Coat with sugar or chocolate.

Tips from HomeKreation:
i. For colorful topping, I used white chocolate & color it as you like.
ii. Use warm jam for filling & inject through the doughnuts.

Buat tecik2 sebab tu lah di namakan Baby Doughnuts..... sebiji donut ni lebih kecil drpd sebiji telur grade B. Liana sekali makan 4 biji pun boleh abis... tapi dia cuma makan yg kaler pink. Buat bekal Liana gi sekolah hari ni (hari ni hari ke 3 Liana bersekolah utk percubaan sebelum masuk tahun hadapan).

Terima-kasih buat Ros & semua kekawan yg mencuba sebagai inspirasi. Donut ni tak jauh beza dgn dout yg Along dah buat dulu kat sini.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Original source: Rosmarlina@JintanManis
Copied from: Juwita (Kekawan lain pun ramai yg dh mencuba Kak Anim, Izah, MamaHawa)
TQ juga Nor@SecubitGaram utk idea menggantikan kentang dgn keledek
Resipi di taip semula oleh HomeKreation supaya lebih ringkas
Decoration idea by HomeKreation
Hasil: 32 biji baby doughnuts
250g Tepung Gandum
80g Kentang/Keledek
- direbus dan lecek 
2 sb Susu Tepung
1 biji Telur grade B
- dipukul sedikit 
90 ml Air Suam / Susu Segar
1½ sb Majerin
2 sb Gula
4g / 1½ st Yis

1. Campurkan kesemua bahan dan uli sehingga tidak melekat pada tangan.
Uli selama 8-10 minit sehingga lembut.

2. Tutup bekas adunan dengan plastic wrap dan biar doh naik dua kali ganda. 
Masa perapan lebih kurang 40 minit atau 1jam.
Tumbuk-tumbukkan doh bagi mengeluarkan angin.
Bahagikan doh mengikut bilangan & saiz yg di kehendakki.
Bentukkan seperti donut.
Susun di atas dulang dan biarkan sehingga donut naik dua kali ganda.

3. Goreng di dalam minyak panas sehingga perang.
Salut donut dgn serbuk gula ataupun coklat masakan.

Tip dari AlongRoz:
i. Along buat berbagai bentuk - donut/bulat/bujur & ada yg kosong cuma salut gula, ada yg berinti jem & ada yg di salut dgn coklat & coklat putih yg di warnakan.
ii. Untuk topping berwarna, Along guna coklat putih yg di warnakan.
iii. Untuk filling, paipkan jem yg di panaskan.


  1. uwaaaa...meriahnya donut Along, tentu anak2 sukakan..

  2. Tok..tok..Liana ada tak...Syakirah dtg nak baby donut gak...Syakirah nak yg pink kaler... pink Syakirah pun suka....

  3. As'salam Along

    sukanyaaaa...hihihi. berwarna warni menambat hati anak2 kalau macam ni Long. comel2 pulak tu sekali masuk mulut jer dah habis ni Long. CT pun suka buat donat kentang dari Ros, sebab lembut didalam garing diluar. Tu hari buat donat mayo jer dari Ros sekejap jer licin :)

  4. hihi along mesti lah liana suka warna pink ...kita pon suka cute sangat.Buat kecik senang nak makan .

  5. Salam. Wah Liana dah gi sekolah ke.. Lama Kak Alongroz tak post gambar terkini dia..
    Cutenya donut ni.. senang nak makan sekali ngap je.. :)

  6. So cute and pretty addictive doughnuts.

  7. Along...
    Kak cek dtg nak mintak donut tu...adoiai! cecomel sumenya...deconya pulak uii...menggoda...kaler maler lagi...anak2 mesti suka donut cam gini ni kan...:)

  8. The perfect cookies for the kids. :)

  9. K'Along.. comel lah donut nya, kalo saya buat macam ini pasti anak saya suka sekali.. they all donut's monster.. hehe


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