
Friday, May 24, 2013

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Liana... she is 4 today!

Liana is four today....! We booked two cakes for her celebration in schools before school holiday but unfortunately she had fever and it was cancelled. She will celebrate it with her school friends after school reopen two weeks later. Let's join us to well wishes our only princess in the house....

Alhamdulillah, Liana empat tahun hari ini. Takda buat celebration pun untuk dia.... cuma wishes and doa semuga Liana panjang umur, sihat, besar menjadi anak yg solehah, beriman dan di pelihara Allah senantiasa. Insyaallah, nanti dia celebrate dengan kekawan kat sekolah. Abah dia dah book satu cake tema princess kegemaran Liana untuk sekolah dan satu lagi Power puff Girls untuk celebrate di taska. Liana dapat surprise gifts from lovely AuntieNorjanah kelmarin... menjerit excited apabila Liana dapat bag princess warna pink dan sehelai red swimsuit Tinkerbell.


  1. Happy birthday liana. Sweet ja. Suka untie tgk. Semoga jd ank yg solehah.

  2. Happy bday Liana yg comei...
    moga sihat ceria selalu.
    kiss dari aunty & Syakirah....muhhhh...!

  3. Happy 4th birthday to sweet Liana...cepatnya masa berlalu kan, kejap jer dah besar anak dara Along ni.

  4. Happy birthday liana comel...muahx3 dr untie sury n cha cha .sonok ye dpt hadiah.cepat besar,dpt tlg mak kat dapur owww..ehehhe.

  5. Happy birthday Liana, may god bless her.

  6. Happy 4th Birthday Liana....

  7. Liana kata tq all lovely aunties wish & doa untuk Liana! Mmmmuah2 sayang semua!

  8. Amin. Moga doa akak akan dimakbulkan. Liana cute sangat.. Suka dia dapat hadiah tu.. Happy Birthday darling Liana.. Jangan nakal2 ye..


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