
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Red Bean Pau

 Today is a holiday and a good opportunity to make something for the family. I made some pau for evening tea and since it is a big batch, it will also be enough for breakfast tomorrow. This recipe is my favourite since many years because it produces very soft pau. This time I tried to play with some rose shapes. First time I saw rose shape in DG's blog and then by many other bloggers but did not manage to try it out until today.

Ada juga buat bentuk bulat licin

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Betty Yew's book
Makes: 20 pcs (small size)
300g HongKong / Pau Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
6g Instant Yeast
1 tiny pinch Ammonia Powder
60g Castor Sugar
150ml Warm Water + 1 tbsp Corn Oil
Ready-made Red Bean Filling

1. Place all dry ingredients into a mixer bowl, attached with a dough hook.
Process while pouring water & oil mixture gradually until smooth.
2. Knead dough with hands for few minutes until smooth.
Place in a bowl & cover until it risen doubled about 40 minutes.
3. Knead again and divide into 20 balls.
Flatten, place filling and pleat.
4. Place onto a piece of paper & steam 12 minutes.

Step-by-step to make roses shape

Steaming in process


 Cuti hari buruh ni, boring lak kalau takda makanan... merajinkan diri buat kuih pau untuk kudap2 petang... lebih nya boleh simpan untuk sarapan pagi esuk dan bekal Liana ke sekolah. Resepi ni yg Along paling suka dlm byk resepi yg Along dah cuba sebab pau nya putih & lembut gebu. 

Ramai yg dah cuba buat bentuk bunga2 ni, Along jer yg baru nak try. First time Along nampak bentuk bunga ni kat blog DG then ramai kawan2 lain yg dah buat bentuk ni. Amat mudah, boleh lihat gambar step-by-step kat atas.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source: Betty Yew's book
Bilangan: 20 ketul kecil
300g Tepung HongKong / Pau
1 st Baking Powder
6g Instant Yeast
1 cubit kecil Ammonia Powder
60g Gula Kaster
150ml Air Suam + 1 sb Minyak Jagung
Inti Kacang Merah yg siap

1. Letakkan kesemua bhn2 yg kering ke dlm mangkuk pengadun.
Tuangkan sedikit2 campuran air & minyak sambil di adun sehingga rata & sebati.
2. Uli dgn tangan sehingga doh betul2 lembut.
Letakkan ke dlm mangkuk & ditutup sehingga kembang 2x ganda (lebih kurang 40minit).
3. Uli lagi & bahagikan kpd 20 ketul.
Leperkan & isikan dgn inti kacang merah.
4. Lapikkan pau dgn kertas & kukus 12 minit.

1. Jangan guna tepung gandum tapi tepung hongkong/pau shj supaya pau berwarna putih, tidak kuning & lembut gebu.
2. Uli tepung sehingga betul2 licin.
3. Jangan kukus terlalu lama supaya pau tidak berkedut.


  1. Kmk gik lom kesampaian maok try munge tok..mun mlh trus bulat2 jak..lain kli blh lh mlh juak pau munge..

    1. Sik hal bulat2 pun sama juak rasa ya... tapi munger2 best nangga kan...hehe

  2. Hi Roz,
    Very lovely rose-shaped red bean pau! Why don't you submit to this month's AB event hosted by me? Coincidentally it is about buns. :)

    Here is the link if you are interested. Look forward to your participation! :)

    Miss B @ EEWIF

    1. Thanks MissB for the invite. I would love to join but will be travelling soon so not much time!

    2. Hi Roz,
      You can just insert a link on this existing post pointing to "Aspiring Bakers #31 - Bao Ho-Chiak (May 2013) hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders".

      Then send me an email, and tell me which picture you want to show. Not much time reqd since you already have a posting. End date is 31 May.

      Btw, enjoy your holidays. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Ha KakRos! TQ.... sonok gak main2 buat bunga camni...hehe

  4. mak aihhhh cantiknyer besannnn...... nanti suh liana buatkan utk mamahana yer! hihihihi...
    *tgk video liana geram sungguh tgk anak dara bijak tuh! kiutttt

    1. Kalau Liana yg buat taktau lah jadi munger ros ke jadi play doh...hehe

      Liana miss u & Darwish.... wink2

  5. hahaha cantik la along..thumbs up..t zila nak try bunge munge gini jugak

  6. Salam Roz, cantik pau tu, mcm bunga ros. Nak cuba juga nanti, dah lama sgt tak mengepau, asyik beli segera je.

    1. Wsalam... Buat sendiri puas makan... fresh dan buleh mkn byk2...hehe

  7. cantikkkkkkknya...
    teringin juga nak meneraiiiiii...huhuhuhu

  8. Assalamualaikum Along cayang lg dirindu...muuuaahhh.. Nak pau cantik munger2 tu 5 ketuiiii...rajinnya dia wat pau...siap pintal2 munger lgk... ^__^

    1. Wsalam Ummi cayang! Buleh2, nanti Along bungkuskan....hehe!

  9. salam rindu along..ammonia powder tu apa ek? ada jual kt kedai jual bhn bakeri ye?

    1. Wsalam Ina cayang! Ya, ada jual kat kedai bakery. Jgn letak byk tau.

  10. subhanallah..
    cantiknya kejadiann.

    oh kn guna tepung pau..ayu ada gak perasan y ramai guna tepung pau..
    thanks kak sayang..

    tutorial bt bunga tu pun sgt bermaafat. thanks sekali lagi

    1. Kalau takda tpg pau, boleh ganti dgn tepung hongkong... pau sgt lembut cam beli kat kedai punya.

  11. TQ along for that 'rose' tutorial, walau tak pernah lagi buat pau...:))

  12. wow..nampak lembut dan terpikat bentuk ros.Cuma sedih bila tengok steamer along, teringat my trio steamer yg muat loyang 10 inci tak brapa lama pakai tetibe rosak tak dpt betulkan ,sb takde kedai jual spare part jenama tsb.. something like thatlah.But still simpan kot jumpa mana2 kedai nanti.

  13. Salam kenal...suka fiza tgk munger2 tu....InsyaAllah nanti nak cuba juga...fiza ni keras tgn boleh buat juga ke...huhuhu

  14. Roz, your rose Pau bloom so pretty, even prettier than mine. Made my hand itchy to try it once again hahahaha....

  15. sangat cun.... macam tukang buat :)


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