
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Kaya Balls

Awesome... awesome...awesome.....! That's all I wanna say..... If you want some, you gotta try yourself. The recipe taken from Diana (FRD) contributed by Mamafami & MakNgah. Thanks to all for sharing.

Recipe copied from FRD for those who wants the BM version:
250g tepung gandum
1 sudu teh serbuk penaik
secubit garam
125g mentega (Mama guna majerin aje!)
75g gula kastor
4 biji telur
200ml susu segar
1/2 sudu teh esen vanila

Kaedah penyediaan :
1. Ayak tepung, serbuk penaik dan garam. Ketepikan.
2. Pukul mentega dan gula hingga kembang. Masukkan telur dan pukul lagi.
3. Masukkan esen vanilla.
4. Masukkan 1/4 susu, putar, masukkan 1/4 campuran tepung, selang-seli hingga habis.
5. Lenser acuan dengan sedikit minyak masak. Sudukan bancuhan agak-agak separuh acuan, sudukan pula sedikit kaya dan tutupkan dengan lebihan bancuhan.
6. Panaskan ketuhar pada 145 C dan bakar pada rak tengah selama 10 - 12 minit.
Along guna acuan takoyaki, bakar atas dapur je.

250g Flour*
1 tsp Baking Powder*
1 pinch Sal* (*Sifted together)
125g Butter/Margarine (I used margarine) 
75g Caster Sugar
4 Eggs
200ml Fresh Milk
1/2 tsp EV
Serikaya (Egg jam)

1. Beat butter & sugar until fluffy.
Add in egg while continue beating.
Add in milk & flour alternately.

2. Fill 1/2 muffin cup, sekaya and cover with some batter.

3. Bake 145C for 10-12 min in the middle rack.
(I did not bake mine in oven but just use takoyaki mould on top of a stove).


  1. OOo patutlah bulat bulat comeiii comeiii je kaya balls Along. Rupanya guna takoyaki punya mould. Sedap kan.. ish.. ini yang buat teringin nak buat lagi ni...

    p/s : My comment icon is visible at the bottom right corner of the entry. Ada gak blogger yang email kat mama beritahu, kalau dia bukak guna google chrome, tak nampak that comment icon. Huhuhu... mama ni rabun IT, tak reti cemana nak fix... huhuuhu... helppppp!!!

  2. salam kak roz,
    wah, terliur saya tgok filling panas2 meleleh dari kayaballs tu. geram tengok. oh, guna acuan takoyaki,kak? comei...

  3. klau tak ade acuan tu nak guna ape yek??? acuan bohulu bleh ke...errkk?

  4. Mamafami,
    Acuan takoyaki Along tu mmg kecik2 comel je. Along lebih suka guna cara ni dari bake dlm oven sebab crispy kat luar mcm kaya ball jual kat shopping mall.

    Bubuh sekaya banyak sikit sbb bebudak suka, tu yg meleleh je tu...hehe

    acuan bohulu pun boleh, dulu sebelum beli acu takoyaki, memang along guna acuan boulu je tapi bentuk bunga ler tak bulat.

  5. aduyai...terliurnye tegok kaya ball Along nie.. nampak lembut sangat.

  6. mana nak beli acuan kaya ball??

  7. Masao,
    Saya guna acuan tako ball yg sy beli kat Singapore.

  8. Dear Roz,

    Hope you are doing great :) I tried this Kaya Balls recipe yesterday but it was a failure. :'(

    First, it couldn't achieve the appetizing golden brown outer finish like yours. I am not sure if it was due to the silicone mold I used?

    Secondly, the cake turned out to be dry & kind of hard and sames goes to the kaya (harden). However, it was very crispy on the outside. Anyway, it came out to be nothing like yours. :) I really want to give it a try again. Wish me luck :)

    1. Hi Melody.
      As stated up there, I did not bake mine in an oven but on stove using heavy cast iron takoyaki mould. Just like the way it is cooked in shopping mall except i did not cover it when cooking.

    2. Hi Roz,

      Yes I'm aware. Anyway trying to do again tomorrow and may I ask if I can half the recipe because it is too much for our small family?

    3. You can try to half it but may have problem beating such a small amount of butter.

  9. Can use Takoyaki maker to make kaya ball.
    This site selling takoyaki maker :


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