
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Nasi Kerabu

I showed you Solok Lada just now and this is the complete menu.... I've been thinking about Nasi Kerabu since the last few weeks and only this evening I managed to get it done.... one crave is now off the list (wink, wink...)!

My Nasi Kerabu is accompanied by serunding (on top of the rice) and from left clockwise: salted egg, Ulaman, Budu, Chili paste, Solok Lada, salted Terubuk fish, fried battered fish and chicken liver. One item is still missing.... fish crackers...out of stock at the moment.

Come and join me to make Nasi Kerabu:

Wash white rice & place sufficient water, stint of blue color & 1 Kaffir Lime leaf.
Cook in a rice cooker.
1 Ikan Kembung (mackerel) - steam & flake
100g Fresh grated Coconut
1 tsp Black Pepper
2 Shallots
1" Ginger
1 Lemongrass
- Pound all ingredients & stir fry until dry.

Cabbage, Long Beans, Bunga Kantan, Ulam Daun Selom - finely sliced.

Chilies, vinegar, sugar, salt & water - blend.

Budu + lime + Chili Padi.

Refer here


  1. Salam Along,
    Meriah betul ni nasi kerabu miri... penuh keliling tu dgn lauk... sedappp betul la kalau dapat sepinggan.huhu

  2. salam along...
    Tau dak, kalau saya dok berjiran, dengan muka tak malu, tebal 5 inci, aku mintak 1 set nasi ulam nihh...meleleh air liurr..adehh, mcm nak pingsan ;pun ada...hahahahaq

  3. salam alongroz..bestnya kalau dapat buat sendiri..tapi kan akak tak pernah buat sebab semua kat umah ni tak suker makan..kalau mengidam sangat akak gi ajer beli kat luar..

    syok ekk hb along..beruntung sungguh dpt hb romantik camtu..semuga berbahagia selamanya bersama anak-anak.

  4. Wow!!!! A complete Nasi Kerabu platter!!!!!
    I miss Kota Bahru's nasi kerabu. It was so good, with budu :)

  5. Ijan,
    Wsalam. hahaha kalau habiskan sepinggan tu memang terbuntang kenyang...actually yg posing tu Along watkan untuk my hubby, pas makan memang terbuntang macam kucing bunting...kikiki (pas ni kena mintak ampun...)

    Mat Gebu,
    Wsalam. hahaha cik Mat belum mkn dah nak pingsan, kalau makan betul2 tatau laaaa camna...kikiki

    Kak Ina,
    Wsalam. Anak2 Along pun tak minat Nasi Kerabu tapi kali ni bertambah2 pulak, sebab ada hati ayam kot...
    hehe... tq KIna doakan Along. Along pun harap cam gitu gaklah.

    You can try to make yourself. It is not difficult actually except a bit this & that to be prepared. My chinese colleague also liked it when they tried it as 1st time at the last gathering I did at my house.

  6. Nasi kerabu yang menjadi pojaan hatiku! Mama kalau beli kat kedai kan, will go for just the plain rice, without any side kuah. Itupun boleh licin, I tell you! I just love the ulam and the sambal belacan...


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