
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Solok Lada

Tonight's dinner is an East Coast menu......

1 Ikan Kembung (Mackerel)
10 Black Pepper Corns*
3 Shallots*
1 clove Garlic*
4 big spoon Fresh grated Coconut*
1 Egg
Fresh Green/Red Chilies - make a slit & deseeded 
Salt & Sugar

1. Steam fish & flake out flesh & pound till fine.
Pound the rest of the ingredients* & mix in egg.

2. Stuff the ingredients into chilies.
Steam until cooked.


  1. I used to discard this whenever I eat nasi kerabu. Cos I never like "yong chili", the cousins of yong taufu. But then my kelantanese friend told me, the chili is only a vessel for the fish stuffing, the main actor is the fish, not the chili, and that I can discard the chili after i eat the fish, only did I try my first bite. It was so good!!!!! I never expected coconut to be in it.

    thanks for sharing this recipe.

  2. Wendy,
    The fish stuffing is not similar to yong taufu and this one has more flavour becoz of coconut & spices addition. Also the texture is not springy. Your friend is right, the chili will not contaminate the stuffing taste. For me I eat everything - the chili & stuffing!LOL.


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