
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Arrowheads Chips (Kerepek Sengkuang Cina)

 Through the blogging world I learned about this chips.... there are several blog friends who have made it before. Making this is just a breathe compared to making banana chips which has sticky skin to peel. The problem is that it only emerged once a year closer to CNY season and not cheap. The taste...? My whole family loves it because of its mild natural flavour.

By: Roz@ HomeKreation
1. Peel & wash the arrowheads (don't cut the stem - use it as holder).
Rub with a bit of salt.

2. Heat up oil for deep frying in a wok.
Slice the arrowheads directly into the hot oil.
Fry until crispy & drain on kitchen paper.

3. Keep in air tight container.
Tak taulah nama dalam BM tapi Along pandai2 sendiri namakan sengkuang sebab rupa macam sengkuang pun.

1. Kopek kulit Arrowheads & basuh bersih (jgn potong tangkai nya, supaya senang nak slice).
Lumurkan dgn sedikit garam.

2. Panaskan minyak yg banyak dlm kuali.
Dgn menggunakan slicer, slice terus masuk dlm minyak yg panas.
Goreng sehingga rangup.

3. Apabila dah sejuk, simpan dlm bekas kedap udara. 


  1. Suka makan kepek ni, tp tak suka buat..time goreng tu ok la lagi,,tp time nk kupas tu ada leceh sikit... hehe...

  2. buah ngaku rasanya along.. nor dah beli gak, ada tu duk bersejuk2an dlm esbok... bila la boleh masuk kuali ntah.. :)

  3. My family's favourite of chips too ....

  4. Salam along,

    hmmm windu ngan along ni...cantik hirisan sengkuang tu...mmg pun rupa dia mcm sengkuang...along, nanti hantor sikit kat nur ya...hehehe.

  5. Biasanye orang Melayu kat sini panggil ni ikut name Cinanya, "Ngaku".
    Saw them today in Ipoh's Jusco at RM2.59/kg.
    I don't feel like frying these this year.
    Lazy, kekekeke.

  6. Forgot to tell u,
    Arrowroot looks like ubi keledek, inside looks like keladi. We use it for nourishing soups.
    Whereas these ngaku are arrowheads.
    The name is easily mixed up.

  7. Wendy,
    Thanks for correcting. I'll change it to Arrowheads then. If you browse Google you will not find the correct picture unless you type arrowroots - seems a lot of confusion by others too.


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