
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Banana Layered Cake (Lapis Legit Pisang)

 I miss making layered cakes (something I enjoy doing) and furthermore I still have some bananas to be cleared. Found a good matched recipe & gave it a try. My mum likes banana cakes so I'm testing this recipe and if ok, I'm planning to make for my mum when I visit her next time. The cake turned out to be very moist and strong banana taste...lovely! What I also like about it, is using only 12 eggs unlike most of the layered cakes. I will definitely make this again and for my mum!
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source with compliments: Rima
Recipe retyped & simplified for my ease of reference.
Makes 8" square
110g HK Flour*
200g Vanilla Ice Cream Powder*
1 tsp Baking Powder*
(* sifted together) 
400g Butter
200g Bananas - mashed 
4 Egg Whites
12 Eggs Yolks
240g Caster Sugar (HomeKreation: reduced to 230g)
1 tsp Banana Essence (HomeKreation: skipped) 
Yellow & Green Colouring

1. Beat butter until soft and add mashed bananas. Mix well and set aside.

2. Beat egg whites until fluffy. 
Add sugar little by little and continue to beat until thick.
Add egg yolks one by one and beat again until it thick and fluffy. 

Turn speed to low and add sifted flour a little at a time and continue to beat till well combined.
Mix in butter mixture and banana essence with rubber spatula to blend well.

3. Divide the batter into two equal portions and color each yellow & green.

4. Spread 6 spoons into a lined & greased tin.
Bake using grill function until surface is browned.
Repeat with alternate color until all used up.
Bake last layer at 180C for 10mins.



  1. wooowww..cantinya aloong kek ni...memang mcm kat kedai punya...mmg terror lah

  2. Ty for trying and glad u liked it.. i baked it waktu kenduri and it was a hit!my mom loves it! Hv a blessed 2011 to u and ur family!

  3. Salam alongg....waaaaaaaaaa..pengsan pepagi mcm ni tengok ada kek lapis pulak...

  4. Izah,
    hehe... boleh ler tahan... setakat nak makan sendiri boleh ler.

    Thx Rima. Lovely recipe!

    Mat Gebu,
    Wsalam. Jangan pengsan Mat, kalau pengsan tak merasa ler kek yg sedap tu....hehe.

  5. Dah setahun I tak buat kek lapis.
    Kekeke, Chinese New Year is a good time to do this :)

  6. cantiknya along buat lapisanya..kena rajin dan tekun baru berjaya.Tekun sua muka kat oven hehe.Insyallah nak cuba untuk cny nanti:)

  7. salam kak..
    amboi! cantik sungguh kek lapis tu...
    mesti susah n teliti betul akk buat..

  8. Wishing you and ur family a happy and prosperous new year...So marvellous and elegant cake..

  9. wah cantik lah kek lapis kamu. dah lama tak melapis sekarang ni.

    untunglah minyak banyak kat sana..kat sini dah memang susah nak cari. cam mencari jarum di dalam pasir.

    peluk cium buat yana yer...muahhhh

  10. Wendy,
    Yeah, this one is highly recommended - I love it.

    CikManggis, FaraDean,
    Tak lah lama sgt bakar ni, Along buat tak sampai 2 jam dh abis bakar.

    Thanks for the nice wishes & same goes to you. Lovely cake I must say too.

    Kak Ina,
    hehe... Along pun dh lama tak buat, nasib lah kek tu tak merajuk. Takda minyak kena lah masak kukus/rebus je....Mmmmmmuah2 utk autie dari Liana.

  11. sukenye tengok orang melapis-lapis nih.. tah bila la nak jadi rajin macam akak nih.. haih..


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