
Monday, January 3, 2011

Salmon Soup

After making deep fried Salmon the other day, there was only bony part left. I didn't know what to do with it so I gave it a try to make spicy soup with some vegetables. I don't really fancy the dish although my kids quite like it. Salmon has very rich fat content compared to other fish and hence the soup was naturally thickened.

Recipe by: Roz@HomeKreation
Salmon (bony parts)
1 tbsp Ground Black Pepper
1 tbsp Soup Spice Powder
3 Shallots*
2 cloves Garlic*
1" Ginger* (* pounded) 
Veg: Leek, Potato, Vermicili, Dried Fungus, Tomato, Chinese Long Cabbage

Heat up few tbsp oil & stir fry pounded ingredients & spice powder.
Add in enough water & let it boil.
Add in fish, vegetables & salt.
Boil until all cooked.


  1. salam along,
    sop ikan salmon tak pernah buat..selalu
    kalau beli my hubby buat makan mentah2..hehe
    kita tak reti makan ikan mentah..hehe
    tapi sedap ikan masak sup macm recipe along ni..

  2. along..tak tahu saya ikan salmon sedap dibuat sup..hehe..biasa buat gril je..itu pun tak berapa biasa jugak beli,al mahal sungguh..huh

  3. sedap ni....saya pun selalu masak salmon sup juga..:)

  4. Slurp, wat a filling and comforting soup..yumm!

  5. betul izah selalunya grill je.Lain kali boleh cuba buat sup.Agak agak camana la rasanya ya:)..ceria ceria selalu :)

  6. Ayu,
    Along pun suka mkn yg mentah tp tak berani nak buat sendiri takut sakit peyut. Ni part yg tulang2 ni sedap buat sup.

    Along pun cuba try je buat sup, ok pulak. Ikn ni mmg mahal tp yg buat sup ni bhgn lebih buat grill yg bahgn tulang je.

    Oh, Nieza pun dah try ya. Bebudak suka ler msk ni, Along lebih suka yg goreng.

    Let slurrrrrp together....hehe

    Rasanya sungguh lemak....hehe


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