
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fried Cracker-Sardine Sandwich

 If you want your cream crackers crispier than ever, here is the answer. Sardine and cream crackers are just perfect match.... More over it is so easy to make and will impress guests who turn up without notice. My third son loves it so much that he had this three days in a row and brought to school for his breakfast. If you are conscious about fat consumption then I warn you that it is better to consume the cracker sandwich without bother frying it.... Anyway, it is worth trying and you decide yourself after that....
By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: HaSue (translated & modified)
Cream Crackers
1 small tin Sardine - slightly mashed 
1/2 Big Onion - chopped 
2 tbsp Chili Paste
1/2 Lime
3 tbsp Rice Flour
3 tbsp Plain Flour
1/4 tsp Turmeric Powder

1. Heat up few tbsp oil & sautee big onion.
Add in chili paste & stir fry untl fragrant.
Add in salt & sardine.
Squeeze lime juice & stir well.
Dish out.

2. Sandwich two pieces of crackers with sardine dish above.
Do more until sardine are used up.

3. Mix flour, turmeric powder, salt with sufficient water to form thick runny batter.

4. Heat up a lot of oil for deep frying.
Dip cracker sandwich in  the batter & deep fry until crispy.
Place it in a plate lined with kitchen paper to absorb excess oil.
Cut into triangle shape & serve.



Source: HaSue (ubahsuai ikut selera - klik link utk resepi asal)
Biskut Cream Cracker
1/2 biji Bawang Besar - potong dadu 
1 tin kecil Sardin - hancurkan
2 sb Cili Mesin
1/2 biji Limau Kasturi
3 sb
Tepung Beras
3 sb Tepung Gandum
1/4 st Serbuk Kunyit

1. Tumis bwg besar dlm sedikit minyak.
Masukkan cili & masak sebentar sehingga wangi.
Masukkan garam & sardin.
Perahkan limau & tutup api.

2. Sapukan inti sardin ke atas cream cracker dan lapis dgn 1 keping cream crackers.
Buat sampai inti sardin habis di gunakan. 

3. Dalam bekas lain,satukan tepung gandum,tepung beras, kunyit serbuk, garam & air seperti adunan tepung pisang goreng.

4. Panaskan minyak yg banyak untuk menggoreng.
Celupkan cream creakers kedlm adunan tepung dan goreng dsehingga kekuningan dan ranggup.
Angkat, toskan dan potong bentuk segitiga.


  1. salam along :) the crispy outside looks amazing!drool..drool..:p~ will definitely try this out...thanks!:)

  2. 1st aritu mmg ikut resepi jek...pastu buat lg mmg ubahsuai sini sana..hihi..resepi along mesti lg sedap tuu..terliur nengok krakers along


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