
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fried Mee Suah

 Made this for our breakfast today. I never tried mee suah fried version but only ones in soup so I was very curious about it when I saw at Madiha's  house. Indeed, Madiha is right, it is very nice and although it looks like meehoon, tastewise is very different. My husband said it tastes nicer than fried meehoon. Thanks Madiha and Ayu for sharing a nice idea.
 I did not follow the original recipe except the method of preparing the mee suah because I didn't have the same ingredients. You can check out the original recipe from the link.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Adopted from: Madiha (she took from Ayu) - thanks to both
Serves 5 persons
300g Mee Suah
2 Eggs
4 cloves Garlic - chopped 
1-2 Red Chili - sliced 
1/2 Chicken Breast - chopped 
Some Fish Balls
Some Shrimps
1-2 tbsp Chili Paste
2 tbsp Oyster Sauce
3 tbsp Soy Sauce
1 bunch Mustard Leaves
Salt & Pepper

1. Prepare 2 wok, side by side.
Fill one with water & boiled.
Fill the other one with oil for deep fry.

2. Deep fry mee suah & blanched in the boiling water until soft.
Drain the mee suah.

3. Heat up 2 tbsp oil & break in eggs + pepper & scramble.
Dish out.

4. Heat up few tbsp oil & stir fry garlic until fragrant.
Add in fish balls, chicken, shrimps, sliced chili & pepper.
Add in chili paste & stir fry for few minutes until all well cooked.
Add in oyster sauce, soy sauce & mustard leaves.
Add in salt & mee suah and mix well.
--------------> ready!


Resipi telah di ubah-suai mengikut bahan2 yg sedia ada & cara ikut senang sendiri. Terima-kasih Madiha & Ayu idea yang best ni.


Adopted from: Madiha (Madiha amik dari Ayu)
Hidangan 5 orang
300g Mee Suah
2 biji Telur
4 ulas Bwg Putih - cop 
1-2 biji Cili Merah - hiris 
1/2 Dada Ayam - cop
Fish Balls
Udang kecil
1-2 sudu Cili Mesin
2 sb Sos Tiram
3 sb Kicap
1 ikat Daun Sawi
Garam & Lada Sulah

1. Sediakan 2 biji kuali di atas dapur.
Satu kuali di isi air & didihkan.
Satu lagi kuali di isi dgn minyak yg dalam utk menggoreng.

2. Goreng mee suah, toskan & masukkan ke dlm air menggelegak.
Apabila lembut, tapiskan mee suah.

3. Panaskan 2 sb minyak & pecahkan telur + lada sulah.
Buat telur hancur & angkat.

4. Panaskan beberapa sudu minyak & tumis bwg putih sehingga wangi.
Masukkan fish ball, ayam, udang, cili hiris & lada sulah.
Masukkan cili mesin & kacau sehingga semua nya cukup masak.
Masukkan sos tiram, kicap & daun sawi.
Masukkan garam & mee suah. Kacau sebati
--------------> ready!


  1. assalamualaikum along :)) mee suah goreng...menarik!nampak lembut..mesti blh slurrrpppp jer :p~

  2. assalam along,akak pun tak pernah try lagi mee suah goreng..selalu buat sup je..boleh di cuba jugak nanti!camne akak boleh tak perasan kat rumah ayu mee ni ya..kekeke

  3. salam along...
    dah cuba ye mee suah goreng? sedap kan? memang lain dari bihun yg biasa tu walaupun nampak serupa... thanks to ayu yg rajin ketengahkan resepi2 yg dikumpulnya.. dpt juga kwn2 yg lain mencuba..

  4. Assalam Along,
    memanglah kita ketinggalan speedbot..memang confirm dah habislah ni kalau nak minta rasa pun..heheh..thank you Along sudi cuba, dan juga buat madiha sebab sudi mencuba & promotekan juga..hehehe..

  5. Yumm, fried mee suah makes me hungry..


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