
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pumpkin Cheesecake

My lovely friend/colleague, Norj messaged me one day to tell that she has tried a great recipe and would like to share it with me. I've been keeping the recipe for many months until an opportunity arose yesterday. I made it last night to bring to friend's house (Hamidon's & Kak Nor's) who invited us for lunch today. We had sumptuous menu for lunch and the cheesecake complimented well as dessert.

I love both the crust and creamy filling which are great combination. Thanks so much Norj for sharing with me this lovely recipe and also allowing me to share it herewith.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source: Friend
Makes 9" round 
10 packets Oat Crunch Biscuits - crushed
225g Butter
- melted
2½ cup Flour

Mix all ingredients and press on baking tray.
Bake for 5 minutes and cool aside.

600g Cream Cheese
2 cup Mashed Pumpkin
2 Eggs
1½ cup Sugar
(brown or white)
1 tbsp Cinnamon Powder

½ tbsp Nutmeg Powder (optional) 

1. Mix cream cheese with sugar well.
Add in egg one at a time & beat well.
Add in cinnamon and nutmeg powder (HomeKreation: skipped)
Add in mashed pumpkin.

2.Pour on top of the base

Bake in preheated oven 170C for 45 minute.
Cool & chill overnight.

Bahasa Malaysia:

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Sumber: Sahabat Norj
Saiz: 9" bulat
10 peket Oat Crunch Biscuits - hancurkan
225g Mentega
- cairkan
2½ cwn Tepung Gdm

Campurkan semua & tekan ke dlm tin.
Bakar 5 min & sejukkan.

600g Cream Cheese
2 cwn Pumpkin lenyek
2 biji Telur
1½ cwn Gula
(brown or white)
1 sb Serbuk Kayu Manis
½ sb Serbuk Pala (optional) 

1. Pukul cream cheese & gula sehingga gebu.
Masukkan telur sebiji2.
Masukkan serbuk kayu & pala (HomeKreation: tak letak). 
Campurkan labu.

2. Tuang ke atas base.
Bakar 170C 45 minit.
Sejukkan suhu bilik.
Sejukkan dlm peti ais semalaman.
Pressed base:


  1. Salam Along,
    Bestnye pumpkin cheesecake.. kite suke pumpkin. tp sini boleh makan bila musim aje lah.. yg dlm tin tak ada jual.

  2. salam along....waaaaa..lawanyaa, terguda nihh..

  3. tempting tempting...lelah tengok pumpkin chees nehhh..fuhh dah dapat bayang dah harum n lemaknya tu

  4. pumpkin cheesecake looks so tempting ... wonderful clicks


  5. sedap ni along..satu combination yang serasi bagai pinag dibelah dia cheese dan labu hehe

  6. Priya,
    If you can smell it, it will be more tempting.... hehe.

    Wsalam. Shian nya, takpa lah tunggu summer/autumn nanti sure ada kan.

    Mat Gebu,
    Wsalam. Terguda kat cheesecake Along ke? Haa, baik buat cepat, rugi kalau tak terai respi ni....hehe.

    Memang lemak harum ciskek ni, taktau nak describe... best sgt!

    Very tempting indeed...

    Memang serasi ler rasa cheese & labu tu. Labu tu melemakkan lagi rasa cheese, mmg mengasyikkan rasa nya...hehe.

  7. wah!!sedapnya...ngencesssssssssss... ;)

  8. Just one word...delicious!!! Such an irresistible cake! ;)

  9. Yum yum.. Hmmm bole try nie nampak mmg mantap la kek ni!! Btw, nak tanye K'Roz tau tak cara nak buat tempoyak? Tiba2 teringin nak makan la plak :) tq.

  10. My MAA,
    Senang je nak buat tempoyak. I mmg buat sendiri atau ciluk fr my mum sbb tak suka yg beli punya. Jgn guna durian yg dah masam nnt tak lalu nak makan. Guna yg still fresh tapi low quality (kalau fresh & good quality sgt nanti tempoyak manis sgt pulak). Kalau kat oversea tu mmg sesuai sgt lah buat tempoyak bcoz when I was studying tak pnh dpt durian sedap pun but not sure now at your place. ok, now back to method. Buang biji & ambil isi saja - I prefer use spoon & fork to avoid contamination from hand. Campurkan sedikit garam. Place in a clean jar & cover tightly. Leave it at room for 1 day to fermnent. After that keep in fridge.... that's all. Hope it helps.

  11. salam kak..
    mesti lemak manis rasanya..emm sedap dan harum baunya..hihi

  12. sounds simple....hehehe....K'Roz org perak kan kalau x silap ada terbaca in one of ur post. sure sodap tempoyak kalau org perak yg buat...maz nie org melaka+ganu tp tetiba teringin nak makan tempoyak lak....i've bought durian from the oriental shop...biasala frozen punye.....isi dia sedap la plak...tebal n bijinya kecil....sebiji AUD13 tuu...mcm x sampai ati nak buat tempoyak tp i dah squeeze sikit utk try buat eheheee....campur sambal belacan sedap jgk kan..anyway ada tak posting kat sini yg campur tempoyak? thanks sbb ajar cara nak buat :) harap2 menjadi...

  13. eee nak cuba la.. really tempting ni...


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